Dad update

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    Andie – I understand what your Mom is saying….we don’t want to see our loved ones suffer anymore than they have to…..bless her soul and hugs to you and your family – Nancy


    Andie….there are medications that can be given. Some have shown to be quite successful. I am thinking of you and am sending all my love your way.
    All my best wishes,


    Thanks Jemima,

    I will mention it to the DN when i see them and perhaps they can do a test to see if his levels are high, not sure what they can do if they are.

    Hope you and your Mom are ok.

    Best wishes



    Hi Andrea

    I am sorry to hear that your Dad is having a bad time at the moment. At least his drain is giving him less bother. I am sure I have seen people posting about ammonia levels and forgetfulness but can’t remember exactly. It might be worth looking into…

    I can only begin to imagine how hard it must be for you and your Mum right now. I don’t know what to say except that I am thinking of you.




    Hi Jen,

    I hope the bed has worked for your Dad, I can only imagine how uncomfortable a broken shoulder must be for him. I hope you manage to get to see your Dads bench, but if the weather is still bad it’s not worth the risk, there will be other days to visit it all together. I remember you mentioning your Dads birthday, can’t believe it’s only 2 weeks away, what a celebration that is going to be!! Another day of precious memories.

    Dad is still on a downer but not as bad as yesterday. My Aunt and Uncle visited him today and Mom said he really perked up while they were there but once they had gone he went quiet again. When I was with him this morning he said he thought the tablets were working for his heartburn and itching BUT he now has itchy eyes, seems to be a new thing everyday. I suggested drops but he just said “I don’t want anything else to take!” His speech is slurred everynow and again and he seems to be getting more forgetful. On the positive side still no pain and his drain is not causing him any problems.

    I took Mom out for a few hours whilst Dad had his morning nap, she had a good cry and said while she doesn’t want to lose him she thinks it would be better if he could just go quietly in his sleep now, as this isn’t living anymore. As hard as it was to hear I can see what she means. My Dad was always so active and now even though his mind is ok his body won’t let him do what he wants, he gets so frustrated and upset about this. It’s hearbreaking to see.

    Take care and best wishes to you and your family x


    Andrea – how is your dad today? I hope his mood has improved, he’s feeling a bit better, and yesterday really was just a bad day. I also hope the drain has stopped acting up so much. How are YOU doing??

    Thanks for the thoughts about Dad – I haven’t talked to them today so not sure how the bed was last night for him, but I hope it brought him a bit of comfort with the shoulder. Hopefully in the next few weeks it starts to feel a bit better. We are supposed to go see his bench for family day (Feb 21), but there is so much snow out there and it would be a fairly long walk for him, which would be much more difficult with his shoulder… I guess we will have to wait and see! His 60th birthday is only 2 weeks away… another fantastic milestone to meet!

    Love to everyone,



    Andie, You go girl on your run!! Your dad not to be on painkillers is a victory in itself! Hope the drainage problem is all cleared up.

    Jen, Sorry to hear of your Dad’s shoulder. Doug is always afraid of falling in his weakened condition. I hope the hospital bed helps and that he is feeling better for his upcoming birthday!
    Hugs to both of you.


    Hi Jen,

    Sorry to hear that your dad has taken a fall and broke his shoulder, ouch. I hope that his doctors were able to deal with this and that he is feeling a bit better this week. I’m sure that the hospital bed will help make your dad more comfortable, I know my dad thought that his hospital bed was very comfy and it helped him a lot.

    My best wishes to you and your dad,


    Lainy wrote:
    WOW! Well, maybe he has a lot to say and its all coming out at night! :):)

    That’s made me laugh, you’re probably right! Mom said he’s saying No alot, so he’s not happy about something!! x


    WOW! Well, maybe he has a lot to say and its all coming out at night! :):)


    Hi Lainy,

    No Dad is not on morphine, the only thing he takes is an antibiotic which he has done since June time. x


    Andie, is Dad on Morphine? Teddy did that from the Morph. I couldn’t get a night’s sleep from his talking out loud. Then we tried Haldol (sp) and that helped. Unfortunately he didn’t say anything juicy!!!!


    Jen, so sorry to hear about your Dad’s fall, as if he is not going through enough without it! Hope he feels better real soon! I know the new bed will help!


    Hi Jen,

    Sorry to hear your Dad has broken his shoulder and hoping that the hospital bed helps. Im glad your Dad is still doing the same symptom wise though as that is a bonus and one less worry.

    Since I wrote my update Dad is starting to get a little confused and Mom said he is talking alot in his sleep,almost like nightmares but not enough to wake him. He was really fed up today and said he’d had enough of this, we occasionally have bad days so I’m hoping he’s back to his fighting spirit tomorrow. Luckily still no pain and the bag is working well, so not all bad.

    Take care and love to you and your family x


    Andrea – so very glad to hear the latest on your Dad – I hope the new bag helps him, and he continues to have no pain, and no new symptoms – that’s so fantastic! Good luck on your run… it may be emotional but you’re right – it will be SO worth it! Take pictures and make sure to post them on facebook!

    Dad is doing about the same (as far as symptoms go as well), but had a VERY unfortunate accident on Friday when I was away… he slipped outside of the hospital (go figure), and broke his shoulder so he’s very uncomfortable. A hospital bed is being delivered to the house tomorrow, and will hopefully help.

    Thinking of you and your family…


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