Dad update

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    I will get to wear a Back sign. You can write or put pics on it so when you are running (or walking) other people get to read your message. I will put that I’m taking part for my Dad and Cholangiocarcinoma Family. I will hopefully be able to put the CC Tree on and also mention the UK AMMF CC Charity.

    Sadly the friends I are running with have also been touched by cancer. My friends brother recently passed away from Bone Cancer and my other friend has lost her Dad recently to brain cancer. It will be a very emotional day but so worth it.


    Oh Andie, I am so very proud of you! Perhaps you could each wear a CC T Shirt?
    It really does help to know you are doing something, anything for CC, Yes? We are a small group but oh so mighty!


    Hi Lainy,

    Hope you are well. Dad said it feels much better having the bag directly round the hole rather than the tube and bag on his leg as it was starting to irritate him. I’m keeping everything crossed it works as I think his mood would improve too.

    I work in the same building as the DN (I work with the Health Visitors) and they have all been really lovely to Dad and he seems to know more about what is going on at work than me lol. He said they have been using different barrier creams but I suppose it’s trial and error.

    So overall a good report and I too hope for some more good days.

    I made him laugh the other day. I am entering Race for Life, which he thought was funny as I must admit I’m not the sportiest of people. I am doing it with some girls from work so it will be more of a walk and talk for life than a race! Should be fun and I will be doing it for my Dad and my Cholangiocarcinoma family.

    Take care x


    Hi Andie, well that was not too bad of a report. Teddy had the same problem with his bag and much preferred it “suctioned” to the hole. There is a gel you can put around the rim of the hole first to prevent the soreness (can’t think of the name, perhaps the Nurse wil know) but it works very well for that and for leakage. Glad the heartburn is gone. Goodbye spicey and fried foods. Hoping for a lot more good days!!!


    Well Dad is now in month 5 since being told he had 3-4 months.

    Not much change in his symptoms, still a little tired, still eating small meals and most important still no pain.

    His external drain has been playing up again. It is leaking but the DN don’t want to flush until it is completely blocked. They flushed it 3 days in a row but the bile ouput has remained at 100ml, it could be that Dad is deteriating so that is why his bile output is less. Dad has no symptoms of infection but his skin aroound the drainage has become sore. The DN have today have fitted a bag directly over where the drain comes out his side so hopefully the bile will go straight into the bag instead of around the side. This means Dad won’t have the bag on his leg, which he is pleased about. We have just got to hope it works and the bile doesn’t leak around the bag. Fingers crossed.

    Dad has had a few bad days where his mood has been low, mainly because the DN have been coming in every day and as much as he likes them he preferred when they came once a week. He was suffering from Heartburn but Papaya enzyme tablets and celery seem to have put a stop to that.

    Best wishes to all

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