Dad with cholangiocarcinoma

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Dad with cholangiocarcinoma

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    Hi Rosie,

    Welcome to the site, although I am sorry that you have to be here. Please keep coming back as you will get tons of support from everyone here. You are so right when you talk about this site and the people here being a Godsend for support and information. I came here first in 2008 when my dad was diagnosed and for me, it was the best thing that I could have done.

    The support you and your 3 sisters will give your dad will mean so much to him during all of this. And of course, we are all here for you. I know it is hard to, but please just don’t assume the worst as who knows what lies ahead and try and enjoy the time that you can with your dad right now.

    My best wishes to you and your dad,




    Welcome to the best CC site on the internet that I have found. You will find much support and inspiration here as well as gaining many new friends…

    Keep asking questions as to what can be done, why it cannot be done, etc and don’t be afraid to seek 2nd and 3rd opinoins is necessary. Above all else, remember that in the end, it’s your dad’s decision as to what he wants to do and what he does not want to do.

    Start building those memories and spend quality time with your dad. Remember that no one has an expiration date stamped on their butt!

    Your dad has been added to my prayer list.

    Margaret (My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma)


    It is a shock to get that kind of news but it needs to be taken seriously and prepared for because it might go that way and you and your dad need to be ready for that.On the other hand you can always hope for the best because cancer is an unpredictable disease and sometimes slows up without reason.
    So be prepared for the worst but keep hoping if that makes sense and try and have some good times with your dad Janet


    Hello Rosieinbelair and Welcome to our Wonderful and Caring Family. Nobody can say how long anyone has to live because we were not born with expiration dates. John Hopkins is an excellent Hospital but sometimes it does not hurt to get another opinion. An MRI is really one of the few ways to see what is going on and perhaps they are waiting for those results to give you more of an answer. I know the waiting is awful. I question why they are waiting a week or 2 to do the MRI? You might want to make a list of questions
    and never be afraid to insist on knowing what is actually going on. Lovely that your dad has so many caring daughters but is one of you holding the Power of Attorney for him so you can make decisions? There is so much to learn and read and do but once you are armed and once a plan is in place, everything will calm down. It really does. Please keep us posted.


    Hi, I just found this website and it looks like a Godsend for support and information. My dad was diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma in Dec. 2009 with metastases to the liver. It was considered resectable technically, but due to his prior health conditions, they felt he would not handle the huge liver surgery. So we opted for chemo-embolization. After 2 failed attempts due to heart arrythmia’s during the procedure, a third attempt was made. Apparently he has a very unusual anatomy and they could not safely administer the chemo to the tumor, but only cut off the blood supply with a gel foam, done at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, so thus only embolization was done, no chemo.
    My question to all of you is what does this mean prognosis-wise. The doctors at JHH are being very quiet about his prognosis and kind of want to see his MRI in a week or two to see if the tumor has shrunk. However, his oncologist in town here yesterday told us quiet shockingly that he could have months or maybe only weeks left to live. My Dad is living on his own, not feeling well, losing weight, but he is eating, walking around his apartment, and living independently so far, with lots and lots of visits and phone calls from his 4 daugthers. We just don’t understand what we have to expect with his apparent upcoming major decline. I need to know what is going to happen. I can handle it. If any of you can help me, I would greatly appreciate your input. Thank you and God Bless All of you!

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