Dad’s CC

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Dad’s CC

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    Hello and a warm welcome to the site no one wants to belong to. This is the site only the


    Hi Pepehorse,

    Welcome to the site. So sorry that you had to find us all and I am very sorry to hear about your dad as well. You are so right that it is good to have somewhere to come to to talk about all of this. I felt like that after my dad was diagnosed and I came here, and to be honest, it was the best thing that I could have done. To me, if felt so good to be around people who knew how I felt and what I was going through. I was my dads carer too after his diagnosis, he was diagnosed with inoperable CC back in 2008. The feeling that you felt after you heard your dads diagnosis, well I know that feeling and it felt like I’d just been hit in the head with a bat, I will never forget that.

    As I said to you, I am sorry that you had to come here and find us all. But I am glad that you have joined us, as you will get so much support and help here from all of us here. I got an absolute ton of both support and help from everyone here, and I know that you will get the same. We are all here for you. We know what you are going through and we know how you feel. And I know that you will have loads of questions, so please feel free to ask all of them and we will do what we can to help in answering them. Keep coming back here and please keep us updated on how your dad is doing.

    My best wishes to you and your dad,



    Dearest Pepehorse, welcome to our wonderful family of the most courageous and caring people in the world. I am very sorry about your Dad’s journey
    he has certainly been through a lot. First of all we do not listen to time limits as no one was born with an expiration date. My husband was given 1 year after his Whipple and lived 5 years more. I too have often asked myself why do these horrible things happen to such good people. I have yet to come up with a good answer. In the meantime you need to present a strong front to your Dad to help him get through this no matter what the road is that lies ahead. I am learning more and more that one of the most important things for a patient is to know that the family stands strong and that they are OK. It takes a lot off the patients mind not to worry about everyone else. So, keep telling yourself how strong you are and you will get the strength. Please let us know how Dad is doing with the infection and please keep us posted, we care.


    Pepehorse-Welcome and sorry you had to find us. You are at the right place for lots of care and support, this site is so full of love and great advice/info.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy


    Welcome,Pepehorse. I feel for you, your dad and family. It is a “crummy” situation that brings us together, but together we are and it has an amazingly good effect on you. Just do what you have to to be strong and take things one day at a time. I’m just starting this “adventure” myself but I already feel the love and kinship from all the folks on this site. I pray for your dad and for you and your family.



    Hello everyone, first i would like to thank this website for all of the information on CC and to all the families going through this terrible disease..

    My father was diagnosed May 2011. He had a whipple surgery. He had complications from the surgery and a 7-10 day stay in the hospital ended up 7 weeks. let’s put it this way we were on first basis with ICU,IMU and and the whole hospital. The surgeon came out of the surgery and said to us that he has gotten all of the Mass and of 17 lymph nodes only 2 came back positive, due to all of the complications my dad was not able to begin Chemotherapy. We were worried about the cancer spreading, due to the internal rupture they did not want to start chemo. We had second opinion and other oncologist seemed to think that waiting was not an option and that this is a very aggressive cancer and we should move forward, We had a n appointment with dads oncologist and it was we were hit by some very disturbing news, we were told that they were sorry that the cancer had metastized to the live and that he had 1 year to live. I wanted to die…… the doctor kept saying how sorry she was to tell us this and that she knew we weren’t expecting this…of course we weren’t, we keep hearing the opposite from the surgeon we wanted to start chemo sooner and he kept telling us not to worry he has gotten it all and that waiting a little would not hurt..

    The doctors agreed to start chemo. he had the drain removed and begun. his first cycle of chemo we were happy very little side effects. last thursday he had temp spike of 103 ended up in ICU with Sepsis, low blood pressure and abdominal abcess. we get to go home today and no answers on to why the infection and now chemo will be placed on hold again.. so frustrated .. i feel like while they try to figure out how to handle this, the CC will advance… It’s nice to have a place to come to and share your story with people going through similar things and hear your input.

    My dad is the most caring,loving do good for people I have ever met, it’s not fair that this has to happen..
    Thank You

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