Dad’s Decision

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    mom3… mentioned by the others, tiredness is related to the cancer. The vomiting you are describing is related to it as well and might be due to a blockage caused by the tumor. It might help to reduce meat intake and other, hard to digest food. But, stay on course with high protein. Protein shakes may help if indeed your Dad reacts to heavy food.
    All of it will be addressed at the upcoming visit with the physician. Kudos to you and your sisters, your Dad has a fantastic support group.
    Please keep us posted.


    I am sorry your dad is declining , but hopefully when you meet with the new onc things will turn around. There are other options now besides typical chemo. Hopefully there will be something else to try. I’m sure MD Anderson has some trials that may be possibilities.
    When I was diagnosed and the cancer was active, I lost 40 lbs. in 2 months. Of course, I also quit drinking alcohol and tried to eat better. The nausea and tiredness could also be attributed to the cancer, although I am also not a professional… Just a professional patient! :)
    I’m glad you all got to enjoy some “cancer free” time with your dad. Here’s hoping for many more such weekends.



    Most of what your dad is experiencing is more than likely due to the cancer. I only say this from the experience I had with my husband, not as a medical professional. Good to hear he is not experiencing any pain, but if he does I hope he will let the family and the doctors know as it can be controlled.

    I’m glad you and your family had a nice camping weekend with dad. No matter what, I think doing these kind of things as often as possible and as your dad is able is very important. Enjoy that family time.

    Love & Hugs,


    So, all the girls made it down to meet with dad and find out his wishes. He has agreed to get a second opinion (I think more for us than for himself), but has opted to bypass all treatment if the diagnosis is the same.

    I have contacted Dr. Javle, due to the recommendations from this forum:), and even though he does not accept my fathers insurance, he has agreed to look over my fathers case. He wants my dad to see an ONC first, Dr. Phan out of methodist. I have made the call and am waiting to hear from her assistant to schedule the actual appt.

    The long weekend my sisters were here, we all went camping. Dad seemed so happy and alive, even though he did not have the energy to really do much. We did not talk about his illness, just enjoyed our family time together. We are going to try and do this as much as possible with him.

    As far as dad’s health, he seems to be declining fast – he is losing weight, doesn’t eat much, has been vomiting randomly, has no eneergy and sleeps most of the day. He says he is not in pain, just really tired. We have not seen a Dr since his diagnosis because he wanted to wait to have all his girls with him. I will bring all of this up when we see the ONC, but is this normal signs of cancer?? Could it be something else?? Dad does have a blockage in one of his heart valves that most Drs. don’t even want to discuss because of my dad’s cc.

    Thank you for your help and insight.

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