Dad’s first birthday without him…

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    Dear Graceful – Your dad would be so proud and so honored to have his picture sent up. How cool that you did that. I understand the grieving process as mine is all to close. I am coming up on the one month anniversary of my husband graduating to Heaven. My heart is with you and I look forward to your posts – when you are ready – about your Dad’s story. Blessings, Susan


    Dear GracefulMeadow86,

    What a wonderful tribute in remembrance of your Dad. I also believe that our loved ones are still near and around us, just not in the physical sense. I too would like to hear more of your story when you are ready. Grieving is not easy, but the pain will soften with time. Take care.

    Love & Hugs,


    Oh, Graceful, what a beautiful Birthday Tribute. I am totally in awe of what you did. That was the best! When you are ready, post away to us, I would love to hear your story. I think it is very theraputic to post on here and I love hearing from everyone in return. Dad is not only looking down upon you, I believe he is all around you and if you open yourself to it you will see him too. In different ways but you will see him. God Bless your family and I look forward to your post.


    Dear GracefulMeadow, what a terrific tribute to your Dad! You should be so proud to honor him with his name and picture in space. He would have loved that! My dad passed away from cc Nov. 2010. I have been spending time going through his things. I sent Russian hats and huge sunglasses my dad wore to my nieces. Last night I received picture mail with the whole family having a ball with the hats and sunglasses. I laughed and tears were coming out of my eyes! Today would have been my Mom’s 73rd birthday. She passed three years ago. I’m going to spend the day happy and hopefully have a few more good laughs. We found a note my mom had written after she passed and told us to do just that. Live, love, and laugh!
    I know your lose is still so fresh. Take your time grieving. Take care.


    Dear GracefulMeadow86,

    I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my Mom to CC in 2009 and I know how heartbreaking losing a parent can be. I love your gift to your Daddy. I know from reading your posts that your Daddy did a magnificent job in rasing you. You are one of the best legacies he leaves behind.

    Give yourself some time. Grieving will be the hardest job you ever tackle so be gentle on yourself.

    We are all here for you whenever you need us!

    I’m sending prayers for strength, love and tons of hugs!



    Well, yesterday would have been my Dad’s 58th birthday. He missed it by a mere 11 days. It was a heartbreaking day, but I spent it with my mom, older sister, brother in-law and their adorable little 2.5 month old girl.

    I just felt the need to post you all today. My dad was an amateur astronomer, and was seriously obsessed with Nasa. I got that from him. The Discovery mission STS-133 was planned to launch yesterday, his birthday. I found a program online that was NASA’s “Your face in space”. I submitted his name and picture to them the day after his death as a tribute, and they went up yesterday with the shuttle.

    Happy birthday, Daddy. He would have thought it was the coolest thing in the world. I know he’s looking down from those heavens on us now for sure. You know, switching between that and dangling his feet over the grand canyon.

    Maybe in a few weeks I’ll be ok enough to type to you guys about the last few days of my dads life. I think it might help someone, and it will for sure help me.

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