Dad’s Stage IV CC confirmed yesterday

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    Dear Linda,

    I can tell you, when I first heard stage 4, I felt like I could not breathe, like time stopped for a moment and my only response was tears.

    It was 5 days after my mother’s whipple, and we thought we got it all, but it did show up in 2 out of 27 lymph nodes taken.

    Mom is still here today, she did try radiation, and did 2 weeks of chemo, despite the fact she really did not want to do anything. We live day to day, enjoying each moment. I do not think my mother will have any other treatments she is less than 100 pounds, and just wants to enjoy the rest of her life without poison in her body, I have learned to respect that, although not always easy….if you ever need to talk my email is

    stay in touch, you are not alone, and I thank g-d for this website daily.

    Many Hugs,


    Dear Linda –

    This diagnosis can be frightening, but now that you know what you are fighting, it is easier to fight back. I have acquaintances who have had some good success with nutrition and others who have undergone chemo. Both had an improved quality of life. I think the most difficult part for me was the constant roller coaster ride and just when you think you have a handle on things, they change. Be encouraged, you can come share your feelings or vent with us any time. We either have been there or are there and truly understand the path you are walking. May you and your family receive many blessings as you walk this path together. Blessings, Susan


    Hi Linda,

    Sorry to hear that your dads stage 4 was confirmed today. I know that numb feeling that you have right now as I felt that as well when we got the confirmation that my dads CC was inoperable. But now you and your dad know exactly what he is up against and his doctors have the plan in place, so now your dad can start fighting back. And know that we will all be here for you as well, and taking things one day at a time sounds like a good idea to me.

    My best wishes to you and your dad,



    Linda….there is something to be said for finally receiving the correct diagnoses as the focus now can be placed toward the treatment of the various occurrences. And, thanks so much for your kind donation derived from the sale of the wristbands. The cost of producing and shipping of these bands do not generate any profits but, then that is not our goal anyway. It is of most importance for us to bring about awareness to this cancer. And, you already have found a way of doing just that. Again, thanks so much.
    I am sending all my best wishes your way,


    Hi Linda, sorry to hear about the confirmation but honestly, not surprised. Now is the time for the fight to begin and once something is being done you will all feel a tad better as your fight mode is taking over. Our wristbands are great. I also took brochures to all Teddy’s doctors so that they could display them in the office. Our Kris even baked green and white cookies and took them to friends.
    There is a lot that can be done and now we are getting our name out there, we are a force to be reckoned with. But most of all we are a caring and loving family from all over the world. I always say the world could take a lesson from our members! Best wishes and let us know how dad does with the radiation.


    Hi Linda, sorry to start chatting with you under this circumstance but my husband is in stage 4 CC too and his has spread on his liver and stomach but we are fighting this and hope to start his treatment next week. I do also have the bracelets and wearing it everyday till we defeat this. How old is your dad? Where are you?
    I will include you in our prayers and stay strong and positive; it’s the attitude that makes a big difference. It seems like everyone at this discussion board are very friendly and supportive; we’re so lucky to have this website. Pls. do update us soon. God bless.


    Hi everyone…like the rest of you, I’m sorry to have had to meet you this way but so grateful you are here. Dad’s CC was confirmed as Stage 4 yesterday as has moved from bile duct to liver to shoulder. A full scan today should indicate any other areas. The plan laid out yesterday was radiation on the shoulder to help ease that discomfort, then a 1st course of chemo. I’m looking forward to the webinar on chemo (12th) as I’ve no 1st hand experience regarding what to expect.

    Also I am wearing my new cc wristband which is so much nicer than I anticipated. I thought they would be just green with website carved in, but they’re cream with a three-color tree like the logo and the website in green, really nice) and I brought the other 24 up to the office for my coworkers who have been so supportive. I offered for free but said if they gave me $1 I’d send it right back to the foundation as a donation.

    Thanks for listening ya’ll…not sure what to expect from here, feel kind of numb right now and just taking it a day at a time. Prayers to you and yours as you experience your own days through this trial. Peace to you.

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