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    Hi everyone. Like most others, I’m looking for answers, information and support. My father was diagnosed in mid February. Six doctors said that his disease had gone beyond treatment. He had been jaundiced for 3 to 4 weeks at that time. The original life timeframe projection was 3 weeks to a couple of months. Another dr did a biopsy to confirm the cancer type and insert a stent. The stent was unsuccessful. He is still going 3 1/2 months later.

    It’s been a slow downhill slide since then. What started off as a slight headache has continued to get worse. Stomach pain upon eating has increased to the point that he will eat only a few bites a day at most.

    He grows weaker by the day and can no pull himself to a standing position without assistance. He has amassed around 50 lbs. of abdominal fluid that is scheduled for removal this week. It’s been in his abdomen, thighs, knees, ankles and feet for a few weeks. Today, it has moved into huge bulges around his waist in the back. Worried that it will return quickly and interfere with his breathing based on his medical team’s experience. Do you know?

    His pain increases daily. I tell him I can call for stronger pain meds, but he refuses. He says he will tough it out. I hate to leave him in pain, but I can’t get him to take other meds. He refuses narcotics.

    My father is a proud man, so he won’t accept the help he needs. My husband and I try to handle anything that he mentions. We bring up anything that we see to do. But there’s still a lot that he won’t allow us to do.

    I’m not hoping for a cure at this point. Just to treat the symptoms to prevent pain and suffering. Please share any tips that have worked for your loved ones so that I can try them. Bless each of you that have suffered through this disease! Thank you for any time that you have to advise me.

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