Dave’s labs..and what they mean….thoughts??

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    yes, I agree not to over-worry about high alk phos after surgery or an invasive treatment they expect it to go up. Keep good thoughts.


    ladybug: my husband tom’s alk phosphate level was almost 2,000 in march of ’08 and he is still here battling CC. At one point his billy level was 24.9 but much lower now & his alk is now down to about 900.

    i would not focus too much on the ‘numbers’ but more on how he is feeling in general. Cherish each day!



    I know my Dads was in the 800s after his stent exchange. This was caused at the time by inflammation of the bile ducts. If the bilirubin is now lower perhaps infection and inflammation have caused the ALP to be raised. I would have thought a lower bilirubin was a good sign.

    Best wishes to you and Dave




    Here is a great website that may help with some of your questions. It’s a reputable site and I use it often here at the hospital.

    Just enter ALP on the right side and it will pull all info about this test.

    Hope this helps…



    Talked to Dave’s Doc he tells me that last night alone they drained from the chest tube 400 cc’s. This is about half a liter in one night! This fluid just keep coming…I told him what Doc Tan’s office said about testing it, and he tells me that Sunday it was sent off to be tested. It takes about 5 days for the results. He shares his labs with me, and his bilirubin is now down to a 5.7. BUT his liver enzymes are much higher. His ALP level is 575. This is an enzyme in the cells lining the biliary ducts of the liver. The normal level is between 30- 120. ALP levels in plasma will rise with large bile duct obstruction. Soooo…this is not good….if there is an obstruction. The Doc told me that Dave has been nauseated, and they were giving him some meds for that. He will be there tomorrow evening, so I plan to catch up with him and talk more with him then.

    My question…anyone have experience or knowledge about this ALP level??

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