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  • #55252


    When I did my research on DCA, I came across a small, private clinic in Toronto, Canada. They prescribe DCA “off-label” and provide medical supervision. Blood work review, etc. One of their pages mentions that “telemedicine” is an option (the patient doesn’t have to travel to their site).

    They don’t sound like shysters, but they are very clearly a “for-profit” outfit. Please keep that in mind when you review their DCA info. The quality of their evidence does not come anywhere close to what you see in a formal clinical trial.

    As always, please seek professional medical advice from your own oncologist before you try any alternative treatments.

    Wishing you the best,


    These links are for information purposes only. I’m not affiliated with this clinic in any way. I cannot vouch for their trustworthiness. Please do your own due diligence.

    DCA Therapy – Main page

    DCA FAQs

    DCA Treatment Data

    DCA Case Studies


    I sent an Email to University of Alberta about their development and if there were any trials running yet available.

    This was their reply:

    Having finished the clinical trial using DCA for the treatment of brain
    cancer, we are hopeful our news about initial findings will allow us
    and others to conduct larger scale trials with all forms of cancer a reality
    in the near future. At present we have no enrolling trials at the University
    of Alberta Hospital.

    We cannot recommend the use of DCA for the treatment of cancer as it is not yet approved for this use by the regulatory authorities.

    We are sorry we cannot be of more immediate help.

    The DCA Research Team


    Marion and Eli, thanks so much for the info. I will look into it more later today.I will also ask the doctor about it next week.


    Hi Tflory,

    No experience with DCA. In fact, I never heard about it before. I started reading about it and I couldn’t stop. Just spent 3 hours on it.

    Nature magazine article on the current state of DCA:

    Cancer patients opt for unapproved drug

    One case report about miracle cure in one patient:

    Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Reversal with Dichloroacetate

    Keep in mind, one case report doesn’t prove DCA safety/effectiveness.

    Clinical trials involving DCA

    One trial is completed but no results posted.

    Found many articles on PubMed. At the first glance, most of them studied DCA in a dish. Need more time to sift through them.


    green outline, top of page – between – User List and Profile – you find “Search”.
    Enter: DCA and a few postings will appear re: the subject. I believe that all come from Canada.
    Good luck,
    best wishes,


    I was doing some surfing and found a site about DCA, sodium dichloroacetate. It was found by a doctor at University of Alberta. I don’t believe it is medically approved. The claims sound a bit fishy. Has anyone else ever heard of this or tried it? Thanks

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