Dealing with indigestion and spasms in the throat

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    tnyjax….I have been told that mucosa can be a side effect of 5-FU treatments; the oncologist will be able to determine this accurately. I hope for Trevor to be relieved of his symptoms asap. A tidal wave of hugs and good wishes are heading your way.


    I am sorry to hear about Trevor’s problem. I hope you find something that works for him. I feel so bad that he has to go through so much. Lauren and I will continue to pray for him.

    Love, -Pam


    Please ask the doctor to call in a RX for your son so you can pick it up at the drug store.
    Antispasmodics/anticholinergic agents for GI tract like Bentyl ,Levsin(this also come in as sublingual tablet for faster action) Donnatal tablet or elixir. Belladonna tincture etc.on an as needed basis, or just for the period of time when symptoms occur.Do not take them on a schedule basis unless your doctor ok with it. I think a few of them do not require RX; just go to Walgreen or CVS to ask the pharmacist for recommendation;you may be able to get some antispasmodics for GI over the counter without Rx; Prevacid or Prilosec are Proton pump inhibitors and is not effective for the condition your son had.It is for the control of the stomach acid.
    so, first go to drug store for recommendation for OTC products and 2nd, call doctors for RX for more precise and stronger RX for the condition.
    And please say hi to Trevor for me.
    God bless.


    Not sure, Eileen, but I would put a call in to the Doctor as perhaps there is a stronger RX.


    My son Trevor, has been dealing with recurring spasms in his throat causing a lot of mucus and lack of appetite. He has no control over when and how often these throat spasms occur. He’s taking Prilosec and Prevesed. He has also tried taking Carafate. Nothing seems to work. Would this be the result of the 5FU which he had on Thursday.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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