Hi all,
maybe it is a little early to post good news however feel it is important for us all to see some good news.
Dad had his CA 19-9 test today and it dropped from 193 to 85 from one cycle of GEM/CIS and panitumumab. I hope this is a good sign for his scan on the 23rd of May.
Something else I wish to report – his platlet count came back as 337! very strange as his previous counts (even dating years back) have always been around 140-160 mark. Last week I did give him 4 days of the papaya extract…… anyway I dont know what is related to what however thought worth reporting if others have problems keep platelets up.
He still has a rash (a little better but may get worse as we just had our second dose of Panitumumab), he complains of difficulty urinating (however luckily renal function and urine test ok so they have suggest ural)
I hope this is useful for others as well.
I am very grateful to everyone on this site for the support!