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  • #89149

    Incredible news. Fingers are crossed for a great outcome.
    Again it proved the importance of this discussion board and the personal sharing of experiences as Julie had done.


    WOW! The good news is that they now know and he can be treated for it. Sending Prayers, good thoughts and big hugs to you and your hubby. Hoping for the very best outcome!


    Hi to All, My dear hubby was admitted to hospital yesterday and has had an ultra sound to discover that there are large blood clots in both legs. A body scan was done today and will see if there is/are any in the lung as he is having such a difficult time breathing. He is being treated with a large dose of blood thinner now.
    Please keep him in your prayers..Thanks….Anne


    Spedo…..ah ha… that was something separate. I have the same issue. It varies a lot depending on weather systems going through. It seems that just as any bone I’ve broken in the past seems to ache in advance of rain…….the arthritic areas do the same.


    bTW, Iowagirl, we learned today that the lower back pain is severe arthritis.


    Dear Iowagirl, may I asked what was done for you regarding the leg swelling and shortness of breath? My hubby and I spent the majority of the day at the hospital again. There is no fluid buildup on the lungs or heart. Kidney function is perfect. I asked that he be admitted to hospital so that he could be monitored to see what is happening, that we are worried about blood clots…the reply was as he is taking lovenox there is nothing that can be done otherwise and that the Cancer is causing this…that my hubby would have to get used to those things happening from time to time. I thought the Dr. Was way too blunt with not a word of encouragement. After plying more, I was successful in having a full body scan done in the morning. His blood work is good for chemo tomorrow. He is a determined man, bless his heart. He is really disappointed tonight and my heart bleeds for him. Thanks again and sorry for the long LETTER I have written.


    Spedo, Just as Marian suggested, Cisplatin is hard on the kidneys and could be the cause of the water retention. And…..I know you are worried crazy for your hubby…..and it feels like you’re flying by the seat of your pants, …….but you need to find a few moments several times a day for “you”….just as Lainy suggested…even if you have to go sit out in the car by yourself for a while. :) I personally think that you’re doing a fantastic job for your husband….and that caretakers like you are saints. Hang in there…..Julie T.


    Spedo……. We have several reports on water retention due to Cisplatin. Have your husband’s kidney function been tested?


    Anne, please take a deep breath and take care of yourself as well. You are doing all the right things, you know more than you think you do and we are here for you as well. It is normal to be scared, who ever heard of this thing we call CC? None of us had and it is scarier when all these different side things happen because we really don’t know enough, yet, so all our experiences although not the exact same, are put together to come of with plans to slaughter this beast. We didn’t ask to graduate from CC 101! On the good side though is over the years I have met the most wonderful people the world over, right here!


    Lainy, your 2 cents worth are welcome anytime and I do appreciate it. Great minds think alike, as the saying goes, as I have plans in the morning to call the hospital and see if I can indeed have someone look at my hubby. I am not sure if his system will take another treatment feeling as he is right now.
    Bless you for answering. You know I am grasping on to every thing that I can possibly find.
    Thanks so much.


    Dear Anne, if I can stick my 2 cents in here. I would do the LAB work but perhaps call the Doctor first and tell him how tired he is and what is going on and he may delay the chemo. THis way you are not taking him out for extra trips.


    Bless you, Iowagirl, that makes complete sense to me. The back pain is not severe. Supposed blood work tomorrow to be ready for another chemo treatment on Tuesday; however, he just seems too weak to be able to make it. I really am puzzled as to what to do in this case.
    Thank You so much…you will never know how much I appreciate this.


    When I had those symptoms, minus the back pain, it was because of a blood clot in my leg that partially broke loose and sprayed my lungs. My legs both swelled, even though the clot was just in one leg.. Lasix did no good for this. I had no energy and difficulty with shotness of breath. This may not be your husband’s problem, but I thought I’d throw it out there. Blood clots should be ruled out though.

    I see where your husband had back pain apparently just priot to the fluid in his lower extremities…so maybe the two are unrelated.????

    Prayers for this to resolve and it’s just a bump in the road.

    Julie T.


    Hi All, it is me again…I took my hubby to emergency today with fierce swelling in his feet and legs, lower back pain and no strength to even make it to our vehicle, which is a very short distance from our house; therefore, I had an ambulance come to take us. Blood work, X-rays, etc. we’re done with no sign of any issues. He was given a lasix shot but have not lost any fluid worth mentioning. I am wondering if anyone else has had this problem and can enlighten me in any way. Thank you all.


    Perfect, Spedo.

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