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  • #89134

    Thanks, Marion’s….it looks that way right now. If no improvement in the morning, it will have to be a visit to the hospital. I have Cancer care people who can help. I appreciate your input. Bless you.


    Spedo…’s always best to contact the physician for anything that may occur including sudden onset of pain. If pain increases and you can’t reach anyone then the best option is to take your husband to the nearest hospital. Perhaps the pain is related to the cancer or treatment or it may not have anything to do with his disease at all. Either way, try not to figure it out on your own.
    Sending tons of warm wishes your way,


    To be honest with you, Marion’s, I do not know. Information has been vague thus far. I hope to learn more from the oncologist on the 18 th of August. I am really worried tonight as my hubby has back pain that came on all of a sudden. Not sure what this means.


    Spedo… so happy you were able to connect with this great group. I am wondering: is the original diagnoses intrahepatic or distal Cholangiocarcinoma?


    Middlesister1, I am soooo happy to hear of your Mother….there is always hope then, for sure….brightens me a bit today..:) Thanks for taking the time to answer my post.


    Thanks, again, Lainy….I am sorry that you lost your dear one. I am new to this site and have not had much time to look around to see what others have been through and Yes, we are optomistic…I will google Live Flukes to see what it is all about.


    Dear Anne,

    Welcome to our group. As Lainy said, please never worry about posts being too long. In the years on this board, I have posted many long posts and even followed up with long emails to various members. We may not have the answers, but we are always here to listen. My mother also had to be closed up when they couldn’t remove the cancer, but so far, she is doing really well (almost two years). She also went through Gem/CIS after the unsuccessful surgery and then had radioactive seed treatment. This week she is at the beach with her grand kids.

    If you read the stories of our members, you’ll find many who were diagnosed at different stages and also many going through different treatment courses. Lainy gave you a great starting place on the homepage to find information. It is overwhelming, but we all wish you and your husband the best.

    Please let us know how the scan and follow up goes.



    Dear Anne, yes, everyone has a chance and the fact they are doing First Line Chemo, Gem/Cis is a good thing as if they can shrink the tumor then surgery becomes a possibility. And First Line chemo is just that meaning if it does not work he can then try something else. He will get his energy back after chemo, takes a while but it will happen. I always say it is best to be realistically optimistic!
    Organic foods or not we just do not know enough about this monster. We do know of a parasite in Asia in certain fish and how do we know it has not reached our shores. You can google it and it is called Live Flukes. Very interesting. I am sure that is what caused my husband’s CC. He served in Korea and being a good Sicilian he would eat anything, especially fish! The parasite lives in the intestines for up to 45 years, leaves and leave behind Liver Flukes and all is totally undetected until almost too late. I actually asked my Grandchildren to stop eating Sushi and I will not eat any fish but home grown.
    Looking forward to a good scan!


    Thanks so much for your reply, Lainy. My husband is 67 years old and is receiving chemo treatments of Gem/Cis….he has 5 finished and after the 6th, there will be a Scan and a week later a Video Conference with his Oncologist. I am just so fearful of the outcome of this…After his treatments, he has to take steroids for three days during which he has some energy but after that, he is so weak and tired it is frightening. He was a man who worked the land from daylight to dark up to the time he became ill. Our gardens were organically grown, thinking we were eating healthy, etc. Such a shock to discover this!!!! I just wonder if he has a chance with this treatment….I know no one can tell us that for sure. We have to live in hope.


    Dear Spedo, welcome to our remarkable family and I am sorry about your Husband’s diagnosis.
    I checked and while your profile shows 2 posts there is only this one so I assume you deleted it. It doesn’t matter how long a post is, they are always long in the beginning as there is much to tell. Can you tell us your husbands age and where he is being treated? What kind of treatment is he having? It is true that Surgeons cannot really tell what is going on inside until they see it. Have you thought about a 2nd opinion? We believe heavily in 2nd and 3rd opinions. Below is a site you may find helpful and please keep us informed as to how hubby is doing as we truly care.


    hello to All. Thanks for allowing me to be a part of your group. I posted my concern yesterday but felt that it was too long so I decided to try again today.
    My husband was diagnosed with Matastetic Bile Duct Cancer on April 24th. Surgery was done but with no success of removing the cancer because it had spread to the top of the Pancreas and the Liver. Has anyone in this group experienced this type of Cancer? If so, would you enlighten me, whether good or bad, on your journey? Needless to say, my husband and I are devastated as he had only three weeks of illness. Thanks so much.

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