Diabetic and Diagnosed with CC

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Diabetic and Diagnosed with CC

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    Hi Laura- Type I Diabetes should not effect wheter your Dad can have chemo. It will effect healing if he has surgery, and his blood sugar will need to monitored very closely with chemo as the potential nausea and food issues can cause blood sugar problems and a need to adjust insulin. But, if he is on a pump then he is used to frequent testing and adjusting as needed. Gone are the days when if you were diabetic no body wanted to risk doing anything to you. I have had diabetes since age 5 and they wouldn’t even take my tonsils out when I was a kid….ancient history!!! Best to you both. Patrice


    Hi Laura… Your question about diabeties and chemo; I have my chemo with a couple guys who I know have diabeties. So I know they do it. I’m sure they have to watch there vitals a little closer. The same with the guy with high blood pressure and heart medication. You certainly don’t disqualify for chemo because of other conditions. You mentioned 6CM tumor. Have you ever discussed zapping it with radiation. I have a 6.4CM on the remaining lobe of my liver and had it zapped about a year ago due to pain. It has not grown or caused me pain since. 3-D conformal Radiation is what I had done. Some doctors will say no way others say give a go depending on if they can encompass it and( location to ducts). A Radiologist Oncologist can take pliminary scans to determine if feasible. Some doctors worry to much radiation will kill the liver. I told them that’s why you don’t do so much but just a little. Well it worked on me and I’m not advising but only stating what I was willing to do and did. Oh that 6.4 tumor is 6.2 now not much of a difference. Probally none but I take what I can get.
    God BlessYou and your Dad!
    Jeff G.


    Thanks for the information Marions on the search term…


    I have no good questions to ask, I am always sitting there dumb faced at such meetings. I now have a notebook in which I write down the questions and answers-the questions I ask usually come from my sister grilling me!



    welcome to the site. You you might want to use the “search” function on top of the page while entering “Diabetes”. It might answer some of your questions until others have a chance to respond to you.
    Wishing for the absolute best,



    My Dad was recently diagnosed with Cholangiocarcinoma at the age of 55. He has had Type I Diabetes for 30 years and keeps it under pretty good control with his insulin pump. However, his tumors have grown very quickly and in locations that resection is not an option.

    Dad and I are visiting with the oncologist for the 1st time on Friday, Jan 11th. Any ideas for questions to ask? I know that Diabetes can complicate treatments even more. Also, one of his tumors has grown to 6! cm. I suppose I’m wondering if chemotherapy is pointless at this time…

    Any hope, ideas?


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