Diagnosed 6 weeks ago

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Diagnosed 6 weeks ago

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    Annie, all sounds good. Those ascites are very uncomfortable. Praying for some nice comfortable days now ahead. Please keep us posted on his progress as we truly care.


    Thank you for replying Lainy. Dad is 80. The huge amount of abdominal ascites fluid removed by paracentisis made him feel better. Yesterday, he slept most of the day after the procedure. Today he seemed much more comfortable and talking. The multi-disclipinary cancer center is at RPCI.


    Dear Annie, I am very sorry about your Dad but you have come to the best place for CC support by the most amazing people! I am wondering the age of your Dad. You got a 2nd opinion which we do recommend but that does not mean a 3rd one cannot be sought. Where is Dad being treated now. Hospice Home Care is not a bad thing. They will make him comfortable as comfort is the most important thing and most patients like being home if there is someone who can take care of him. Hospice does not mean the end nor does signing a DNR paper as then there is no question about what the patient desires. Discussing and planning what the patient and family wants is so important and paves the way for a time when you don’t really want to start planning later. Weekends can be a little slow on the Board but hang in and hang on and please do keep us advised on hos your Dad is doing. You never know how strong you are until “strong” is the only choice you have! Below is a site you may find helpful:



    Please pray for my elderly Dad who has intrahepatic CC with multi-lobular liver mets. He was, what seemed a healthy man, until falling ill in late July this year (weak, appetite loss, belly pinches). He got a temp plastic stent in early August, which was then replaced by a permanent metal one a couple weeks later at our local multi-disciplinary cancer center. With presence of multiple mets in liver, he was not a candidate for surgery and/or radiation (only chemo offered). Only Gem without Cis was planned due to weak functional state at presentation. He received only one infusion in early September, but three days later was ill. Hospital found severe thigh blood clot and possibly in lung; also renal dysfunction and low blood pressure, all accompanied by a heavy, very painful distended belly of fluid. When stabilized, plan was to try to get strong enough for chemo resumption, but several days in rehab did not improve his weakness and difficulty walking without walker/assitance. He was transferred to cancer center for paracentesis, with much fluid removed (about two gallons worth). They are keeping him comfortable with pain management. He slept alot after procedure. Liver and kidney blood level numbers were not too good a few days ago. He is on fluids and albumin. Social worker & palliative care encouraged DNR papers, but I could not sign due to crying.

    I did get a remote second opinion from top liver doc at Cleveland Clinic; was told this was palliative care at best. If there were a dramatic response to chemo, to call him. :-(

    I am distraught about how this CC has blind-sided my formerly strong father and my family, especially to see how quickly this disease has progressed & watching the decline. We have to think about comfort care/hospice, etc. and where to have this.

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