Diagnosed in early August 2010

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Diagnosed in early August 2010

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    This is Susan and my husband has CC. He was diagnosed in late July 2010 at stage 4. I’ve been confused with Jennifer before….Blessings to you. Susan


    Susan, I get confused who’s who sometimes on the board. Are you the one who answered another posting that you are 4 years out and cancer-free?
    I have a question about surgery…I had 2/3 of liver out on Sept. 24th and still feel pressure under the right side of my rib cage. I was told two months ago that it would go away (by my doctor’s nurse practioner)..It’s still there, though. Has anyone else had that experience? I also have a small open spot that drains a bit each day (from the top of the incision)….has anyone else had that experience either? I’m getting rather tired of that, but compared to what others are going through, I shouldn’t complain. It’s just an annoyance and I’m wondering what’s causing it (the doctor says my body is reacting to the inside stitches..I popped one out about 2 months after the operation)…


    Thanks for the reminded of the half FULL cup and not being robbed. I’m reading a great book right now, The Crazy Sexy Cancer Survivor and am getting a lot of strength from that. If there are other books people could recommend, that would be really great ! (Perhaps there is another strand going with that. If so, could you let me know? Reading and connecting is a big help to me)
    You all are wonderful!


    Praying for continued good recovery. Don’t let the possibility of a recurrance ‘tomorrow’ rob you of ‘today’.

    God Bless,


    Welcome to our group. Just remember that you have a 50% of no recurrence so live like that is the likeliest outcome. Enjoy your family and friends and do the things on your “bucket list”, things you’ve thought you would like to do “someday”. My best wishes to you….


    That’s a great result……..you are cancer free. Good luck with your 1st scan on the 24th and don’t be concerned about the cancer returning. You can’t control that.



    Hi Kathy – It is so nice to hear your good news – clear margins and lymph nodes. Recovery is such a blessing and to be celebrated. So, we celebrate with you. Keep posting so we know how you are doing. Blessings, Susan


    I’m fairly new to this board. I was diagnosed in early August and was operated on at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore on Sept. 29th by Dr. Michael Choti who is a brilliant surgeon. I was told that margins and lymph nodes were clear although 2/3 my liver was removed. I have been recovering fairly well and will have my first scan on January 24th. I have been told that even with the good results from the operation, that my chances of its coming back are 50-50 which is not exactly great news!
    I’m looking forward to sharing stories and recovery with others on this website.

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