Diagnosed in February

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Diagnosed in February

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    Hi Patty,

    Her is a name of a clinical trial you can look up S0809, “A Phase II trial of adjuvant capecitabine/Gemcitabine chemotherapy followed by concurrent capecitabine and radiotherapy in extrahepatic cholancicarcinoma (EHCC)). This was the clinical study that they offered my mother after her liver resection.

    Also, I did read somewhere that bok choy (not sure about spelling) is a good food to eat. I am going to try some soup for my mom this weekend. She likes soup and I am at a loss of what else to do.

    Best wishes to you and you will be in our thoughts.


    Hi Patty,

    Some people have posted about diet and supplements, just look under the Nutrition or Alternative Therapy forums. Andy’s regimen is quite comprehensive, see:


    I posted a while ago about black raspberries and esophageal and colorectal cancer and since cc is in the digestive tract it might not hurt to add that in, see:


    From one Patty to another, I hope this is helpful.



    Hi Patty,
    Continue to live each day to the fullest. My daughter was diagnosis with a monster also. She 38 years and has two children one is 19 yrs and the other is 2yrs. I am scared………I don’t know of any diets, however eating healthy, staying hydrated, and exericise is a great start.


    Dearest Patty welcome to our wonderful family but sorry you had to join and happy your courage led you here. It sounds like you are coming along fine and that is all we can ask for with this strange CC. One of the best books out there is the Anti Cancer book. You are already being treated at one of the finest hospitals, with a great Doctor. You are doing everything right and attitude plays such a big part. We never know what lies ahead but we do have some long term survivors and new things are popping up all the time. We try to stay realistically optimistic. Patty, please try to live in the present, each day is a gift, we cannot worry about the future as we don’t know what it holds for any of us.
    One day at a time is the best most of us can do, ill or not. I iam so glad you finally joined us as this is the best place you can be. Feel free to ask, vent, advise and join in the phenominol love on our CC site!


    I have been using this site for almost 5 months and have just now had the courage to join the site. I was diagnosed with Stage Four Intra Hepatic CC with a tumor size 0f 10 cmx10cm inside the liver. I was riding my bike 20 miles a day or walking 3-5 miles a day. I am 46 years old. I see Dr. Javle at MD Anderson in Houston every three months for PET scans and to update my progress. I receive Gemzar / Cisplatin every 14 days. I also take 150 mg of Tarceva daily. I had one lymph node that was hot and some very small spots (so small they could not be measured)in the lungs that are all gone now after the chemo. I feel like I am 90% perfectly fine besides being tired after chemo. I walk 2-3 miles per day and the only problems so far (two months ago) had blood clots in right arm(totally blocked), the left arm was 30 % blocked and I also had Superior Vena Occlusion. I was put on Lovenox 2 X a day and still am giving myself shots 2 x day. Last week when I went for chemo my platelets were 92,000. I had them tested a week later (today) and they are back up some to 169,000. I am scared to death to leave my family when the time comes. God is such a huge part of my journey and he calms me when I need to be “calmed”. I am wondering if anyone has a cancer diet they can recommend….I have cut out almost all sugar, drink nothing but water and green tea but feel I am just not doing enough to fight this monster in me. My drs have not mentioned any clinical trials….and when I asked about diet….they said to just eat healthy. I guess this is my introduction of my life in the past 5 months. Any input is greatly appreciated!!
    Patty in Illinois

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