Diagnosed with cc already beat lymphoma in early 1970’s

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Diagnosed with cc already beat lymphoma in early 1970’s

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    Welcome, Reid. I’m sorry I can’t answer your question but I wanted to say hello & to send my best wishes to you & your dad.



    Hi Reid,

    Welcome to the site, although I am sorry that you have to be here. What a fighter your dad is! I do like his attitude of “just taking care of another problem.”

    Can’t help you with your question regarding radiation treatments, but just wanted to welcome you here. I hope you will stick around and keep us up to date on your dads progress. My dad was diagnosed last year and underwent Photo Dynamic Therapy.

    Best wishes to you and your dad.



    Wow, Reid, can’t help on the different cancers but my goodness your dad is truly a Miracle and many times a survivor. The only thing I am curious about is, did they mention radiation in order to bring the tumor down to a more treatable size for the possible use of cyber knife. I know that his attitude is what has pulled him through each time. He sounds like a fabulous man!! Please keep us posted.


    Hello Reid and welcome to our site. My husband underwent radiation treatment in 1985 with thorium dioxide (ie, thorotrast). This chemical had been used in the 70th and early 80th, and has been suspected to cause cancer. It has long been removed from the market. Our oncologist is convinced it to be the reason for the occurrence of my husband


    My Dad, Bud, was treated w/ radiation for lymphoma in the early 1970’s– successfully! He nas endured congestive heart failure, 3 back surgeries, and a stroke that left him 75% paralyzed– where he regianed his mobility due to a drug that broke up the clot. Now he is diagnosed w/ cc. He just can,t seem to get a break. He never complains and is 100% positive about everything all the time. Even though he is weak and his stomach is sore, he is looking foward to starting radiation along with chemo–5f-u– on monday to take care of what he calls ” just another problem”. His cc is in the bile duct in the liver, 8 centimeter, not operable. Not good but still optimistic. My question is has anyone heard of or experienced radiation treatments for different cancers 30 years apart. Any info is appreciated. thanks.

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