diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma/bile duct cancer 3 months ago

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma/bile duct cancer 3 months ago

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    I am done with radiation and have had three of six rounds of chemo. The first 2 rounds produced major nausea and fatigue. I had to have major spine surgery where there was a tumor separating it. I am 43 yr old guy.

    I am able to eat finally and focus on treatment management. I could not really do this until now. I get an updated Scan this week, but know that the cancer has spread to many areas already.

    Has anyone looked into CBD oil and extracts? Please message me if so.

    I am interested in other alternatives and additions to my treatment style and am now learning quite a bit. I have been able to reduce my pain meds and manipulate my diet which has all worked together.

    Thank you

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