Did you have the opportunity to attend our webinar?

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    Thanks Marion, glad to hear that the webinars are here to stay as they are excellent and help bring all of us from around the world together in real time. Looking forward to Saturdays one now!

    And thanks to Rick for putting Wednesdays webinar on the site here –


    And also here http://vimeo.com/20044001

    Best wishes to all,



    Gavin….I believe that webinars are here to stay. In which way has not been determined as of yet. Your thoughts are great. Like you I am looking forward for others to comment on today’s presentation as it provides good material for a round of discussions.
    Best wishes,


    Hi Marion

    Congratulations to Sara and Rick on organising today’s webinar, and to everyone involved with the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation – your work is inspirational, and it’s so heartening to see things moving forward.

    Thank you for the opportunity to attend today.

    With love and positive thoughts for everyone in our ‘cc family’ wherever in the world you may be!!

    Helen xx



    I thought that the webinar was excellent Marion and my thanks go to all involved in making and presenting it. Do you know if this webinar will be an annual thing during CC awareness week each year, as I think it is a great way of letting people know what was done last year and what will be happening during the upcoming year?

    Also, that is great that it is going on the website for people who could not attend the actual presentation, and also for those that were there but couldn’t hear too much due to the noisy builders outside! Looking forward to watching it again and to the upcoming events this year!

    Much thanks to all!



    Just noted that today’s webconference had been recorded for access at any time. This gives us plenty of opportunities to discuss in the future.


    For those of you, who had the ability to attend, your comments are appreciated and may inform those not being able to join in.

    Best to all,

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