Digestion Recommendations

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Digestion Recommendations

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  • #51365

    Hello Ryan….
    For my husband medications and/or disease progression were the major culprit for digestive issues. Does your Dad have regular bowel movement? We used Colace, three times daily until things moved normal again and then reduced to two capsules every other day. Prevacid 20 mg 20 to 30 minutes prior to breakfast also helped along the digestive process.
    Others have recommended Danactive drinkable yogurt.
    Raising the head of the bed and Reglan may also show benefits. Moving around following ingestion of meal and in some instances standing while eating have been helpful. Regular exercise such as small walks increase strengths and encourage the bowel movements. Plenty of rest is a must.
    You might want to discuss this with the tending physician.
    The issue of indigestion, acid reflux, and lack of bowel movement seem to go hand in hand with gastric problems. It has been debated frequently on this site and I am looking forward to hearing how others have dealt with this important issue.
    All my best wishes,


    Hello Ryan and welcome to our wonderful family. I am so glad you took the plunge as we are a caring, loving, brilliant family! I am not sure that anyone escapes digestive problems when having CC. My husband had a RX for Prevacid and he took one every morning. Zantac and Tagamet are not strong enough. Stay away from spicy and fried foods. Teddy also loved Carnation Instant Breakfast. Easy to make (blender) and you can add fruit. His favorite was vanilla with a banana blended in. One packet takes the place of a meal. You also might want to consider a company who delivers meals like Wheels on Meals. At least have dinner delivered. Also for energy the ONC was giving Teddy Vitamin B12 shots. There are many RX for nausea. I am not sure why his ONC is not helping in this matter. How old is your Dad and where is he being treated.
    Teddy had a double Ecoli infection and it really wiped him out. Is there anyone who can come in and help Dad out? Even a High School Senior or a College student as classes are out for the summer. They could do the wash, light cleaning and be a bit of company for a few hours a day. If your Dad is that weak he should be saving his energy to fight the CC. Please let us know how things go and don’t be a stranger now.


    Hi everyone,

    My name is Ryan. My 64 year old dad was diagnosed with CC just over a year ago. What a year it’s been. I won’t go into all of the stories and struggles that he has gone through because I know all of have been through it. A lot ups and downs, infections, hospitalizations, surgeries so on and so on. The last infection he had a couple of weeks ago was e coli and klebsillia. After several days of strong antibiotics those have cleared up but he has dropped even more weight. His energy level is way down and he is just tired. Before that he was still tired but still would make dinners and things like that. He still is trying to make himself eat but he is having such a tough time digesting food these days. Sometimes even a small portion can cause him a lot of gas build up, indigestion, acid and sometimes ends up vomiting.

    We’ve asked a doctor for some recommendations on a protocol that could help his symptoms but they haven’t been that helpful. My dad is more of a reactive type so he waits until the pain begins and then he’ll take something. Does anyone have any recommendations of a good regimen. For example maybe take a tagament or zantec 2 times a day and a gas-x with every meal. Something along those lines. One doctor recommended charcoal tablets which we haven’t tried yet.
    I’ve been a reader to this boards on and off for the past year and have never posted. I guess it just hurts too much. I pray for everyone that is going through this or has a loved one going through this horrible disease. I wish I could hug you all.

    Thank you so much for any advice you might have.

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