Disability insurence

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    I am curious about how others have made a decision on when to take time off of work. I’ve recently been diagnosed. My chemo begins next week and will success, I would have surgery during the summer. I know that this cancer is aggressive and I am most likely in for a series of such treatments. With that comes managing the side effects and recoveries.

    I am considering taking disability now, while I can still enjoy time visiting with loved ones. I fear that one day, in the not so distant future, I may not be able to. Has anyone run into problems where STD/LTD denied claims? Do they really determine a person can return to work with this cancer’s pattern?

    Please share your experience if comfortable.


    Hi Wayne,

    Financial planning decisions surrounding an unpredictable and serious cancer diagnosis are complicated.  It is hard to generalize when the various employer arrangements are usually specific to that company or agency, or to the private disability insurance plan.

    I sent you a private note through the discussion board site.  Also, below for anyone who is interested in this information, is the link to the Social Security webpage on Compassionate Allowances for disability.  Cholangiocarcinoma is one of the medical conditions considered for Compassionate Allowance, which offers an expedited approval process for Social Security disability benefits.


    Regards, Mary


    I am about to apply for disability with the insurance policy that my employer has.  I know that we are eligible for compassionate allowance with social security. Have anyone had experience with applying for disability with a private insurance company. As I understand it you apply first through the private insurance than to SS.  Any help. If you want to resound off line, please eel free to write me at waynewmeisel@gmail.com.  Thanks, Wayne

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