Disappearing stent ….. ?

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    Hi Andie

    I hope you are doing OK. I was thinking about you a few days ago but hadn’t managed to come on here but looks like you were around anyway !

    Yes, things are looking good for Mum at the moment although I know that it can change suddenly but she is enjoying life at present and doing almost all the things she wants to do so we are just going with it while we can.

    The oncologist appointment will be a bit of a milestone as we can then begin planning the summer holiday we are hoping to take with my girls. Last year we thought would be her last trip to France but if all stays well then she will get another chance to see all her family over there.

    best wishes to you



    We are very fortunate in that my mum’s appetite has not been affected at all and she continues to eat very well, and has even put on weight. She is taking most of the vitamins/minerals and supplements that Andy recommends (see post on Alternative treatments I think), and that really has seemed to help her. As Lainy has suggested the high energy drinks seem to be the thing that work best for most people and it’s just a matter of finding what she likes. I hope with all my heart that your mum’s appetite comes back.

    best wishes



    Hi Jemima,

    I’m so glad to hear your Mom is doing so well. As for the stent, well that is a mystery??? Good luck for your Moms appt with the Oncologist.

    Best wishes

    Andrea x


    Dear Erica, have you spoken to Mon’s ONC about her appetite and loosing weight? There are some excellent meds out for both. Also meds out there for constipation. No need for Mom to suffer with any of this, the doctor can help.
    I used to make Teddy a Carnation Breakfast drink in the blender and would throw in a banana or other fruit. He loved it and one shake equals a whole meal in nutrients. Best of luck.


    What is Ur mom doing to keep her wt. on? my mom has lost sooo much wt. and has no appetite to even eat. I will take all & any suggestions that you have to offer. PLEASE help me!!


    Jemima…..Agree. Your Mom is doing well and that is what counts.
    All my best wishes,


    Hi Marion

    Well I suppose if it slipped out of the bile duct then it may have gone further down, into the small intestine and then, well, out I guess !

    It’s not on the scan anywhere and he doesn’t seem concerned so presumably we shouldn’t be either ?!

    Mum’s seeing the oncologist mid-June so we’ll ask her what she thinks. Not that she is a very positive person at all but she may have a better answer.

    best wishes to you



    Jemima…so, where is it? It has to show up on the scan.

    All my best wishes


    Hi Lainy and Marion

    Thanks for the replies. I asked Mum’s consultant about the stent in more detail and he said that it has probably slipped out as the tumour has shrunk. So good news I guess but it all seems just that….guess work !



    Jemima….I have heard of it only once. In this case the stent migrated to the abdominal wall. Unless the stent is biodegradeable, it has to be somewhere. Has a second physician looked at the scan?
    All my best wishes,


    Hi Jemima! Wish I could be of help but this is a first for me! I am happy to hear that your Mom is doing well. That is just great. Perhaps if we find out what happened to the disappearing stent we could use the same method on the CC????


    Hi all

    I haven’t been around much but have tried to pop in and read up on how everyone is doing when I can.

    Just a quick question as my mum had a CT scan last week and whilst initial reports seem positive in terms of tumour shrinkage, I got her consultant to have a look at the scans too.
    He has said that her stent seems to have disappeared !? Has anyone heard about this happening ? He says that since she is not jaundiced then it is good news but where is it ?
    It is almost a year exactly since she had the stent put in and every day since then I have been expecting to have to rush her to A&E with an infection and to have it changed. Now it turns out it might not be there at all !

    Any ideas gratefully received….

    best wishes to all


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