dizziness from xeloda?

Discussion Board Forums Adverse Reactions & Side Effects dizziness from xeloda?

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  • #60467

    Kris…Kudos to you for taking the initiative by contacting the company producing the drug. And a big thanks to Percy for his continuous offering of his expertise.. This is the reason for the success of this site – patients and caregivers sharing their knowledge with all.
    Big, huge, hugs,


    I totally understand. I went to Genentech’s website to look up Xeloda’s side effects. Listed on another page under “other side effects” is dizziness and blurry vision (both less than 2%)! I can’t remember if o.h. was on that page or not. But before I could call my onc, Genentech themselves called me to check to see if I got my card, etc. The “nurse” on the phone ran off a list of side effects, and after about 20, guess what she got to? Dizziness. A couple of side effects later, she mentioned blurry vision. So when I called my onc’s office and talked to the nurse practitioner, I mentioned all this. She didn’t seem to want to believe me. I told her to look it up or call Genentech itself and ask.
    I am still going for the MRI just in case.
    But I have to thank you for posting because I feel soooooo much better now!!! Not nearly as “scanxious” as I was last night. New derivitive of the word “scanxiety”.
    I hope you and all the other moderators’ ears were ringing today as I sang your praises on caringbridge!!!! :)


    the card you had is general information about Xeloda for patients.( list of side effects that are MOST common to patients)
    the info I listed above is for the Health professionals .(additional side effects which are pertaining to the drug Xeloda. I only list the ones that may be related to your case;there are still a long list of adverse drug reactions that I have not mentioned.)
    and in your case,it is not their fault to give you a list that did not list all the side effects; and in the final analysis, there is possibility that your problem may not even related to the drug itself.

    All i can say is that each case of this disease is different in responses to chemotherapy or radiation treatments . and that is why knowledge is power for our patients who seek them.

    God bless.


    I will bring this up to them via phone today. I wonder why when I asked they didn’t seem to think it was Xeloda? And I specifically asked because this started a couple of days into my 2nd cycle. And I take 4300mg a day. 7 on/7 off.
    And I already had a history of orthostatic hypotension.
    It’s making it hard to want to ride the scooter, that’s for sure!!! I certainly don’t want to get dizzy when I’m on 4 wheels, let alone 2.

    They gave me a different card.
    1. Nausea and vomiting
    2. diarrhea
    3. Mouth sores
    4. loss of appetite
    5. abdominal pain
    6. fatigue
    7. swelling in hands and feet
    8. rare heart damage – they said to worry about pain in chest or arm or racing heart.
    9. decrease in blood cells
    10. abnormal liver functions
    11. hand/foot syndrome

    Not a word about dizziness!!! Wonder why?


    for your information
    Adverse drug reaction for Xeloda including the following.
    1.Anemia.(72%-80% pt. experienced this S.E. and severe in upto 9.6% pt.)
    3.hypotension(0.2-1.2%).(including orthostatic hypotension–=0.8%)
    7.vertigo(a feeling of motion ie: spinning movement ,while patient is stationary-not moving.)
    9.visual impariment.
    there are other side effects of Xyloda but the above side effects are more likely related to your situation of vertigo or vision problems.
    Lab test like CBC and BMP can be of help;but ER visit or doctor’s office next day or ASAP is recommended.
    God bless.


    Has anyone had this problem? I’m getting dizzy. I used to suffer from orthostatic hypotension, which basically meant if I stood up too fast, or bent over to tie my shoe and stood straight up, the world would go grey and I would be really happy to hang on to whatever was in reach! Usually a wall, thankfully. Or a chair.
    Now I’m getting dizzy a different way. I lay down and the room spins. Just once. I can kinda feel the blood flowing. The only problem is that my right eye is blurry, too. I have a kind of film over it.
    So my onc wants an MRI. She’s concerned. I was hoping she would say it was the Xeloda… :(
    Has anyone had a “drunken room spinning” feeling when on Xeloda? When they lay down for the night??

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