Do all stents get blockages?

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    Isisman…oh yes, it will show up in lab reports once suspected. Great that you are so on top of it.
    Best wishes,


    When my stent blocked in May, I had no chills or fever (which are symptoms). I first felt very tired for a couple of days and then sick to my stomach (no vomiting) for three days at which time I noticed the whites of my eyes had yellow in them. I’ve been told the eyes are the first to get yellow. Some doctors also look under the tongue for yellow.

    It does show up in the labs – total bilirubin count.


    Shes oncologist every month and now gastrointestinal doc. Based on peoples recoering being 6-10 or 12 months , everyone is different. Still hurts when he eats or processes good. They removed part of stomach, 1/2 of pancreas and redid all ducts. Those with liver scenarios, don’t have this same symptom I hear. We both say that if he still has pain he needs the meds, doc says that too, but we are concerned on why there is still so much pain to need meds, but doctors just say, take what you need and when you are ready to wheen on the drugs, they will help with that, so he feels better to feel pain free at this time even if it is another few months. Everyone is different and somehow my husband has always been a pain meds addict or has had intense pain with past surgeries and recovery. Not to worry, I’m not concerned about this issue, only about the blockage in the stent. He hates having additional appointments ! Thanks. I will just have to make sure we watch for symptoms. Too bad nothing would show up in labs and scans ! Thanks.


    Isisman….this is what I have learned so far, but I am hoping for others to share their experience with you also. We assume for every stent to block at one time. It may clog with debris or, tumor tissue may inhabit it. I don’t know whether you need to worry about it until it happens. Generally, symptoms will present themselves in the form of fever, chills, or as you have mentioned jaundice. I am wondering though about the continuous pain your husband is experiencing 6 months past the whipple surgery. When did he last see the physician?
    Best wishes,


    My husband had a whipple. He was out of the hospital in 7 days. he had drains removed then and had a leak between staples for long time but we got it dried up and all. he lost 80 lbs, he is a BONE and it is upsetting for me to see !! You haev no idea!. They left a stent in his pancreas but not sure if metal, assume so cause they never mentioned it or any issues we should be aware of, BUT, I have read all thorugh these notes about stent blockages. do they all block? Is the symptom only jaundice again? Although my husband’s recovery has been long , 6 months now, and he is so weak and trying to absorb calories, and still lots of stomach pain and huge pain killer addiction and his need to stay on them longer, he has not had complications related to what so many people speak of. blocks and permanet external drains, and varieties of chemo for long periods of time….my husband was on 5FU and radiation for 5 weeks and done. Now he did have nodes infected and I won’t deny I’m expecting the worse, but is it possible he could never have a blockage? Or do we need to also stay on top of this worry?

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