Does Bile Leak?

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    Hi Tess,

    I was thinking of you the other day and wondering how things are going. My first thought was infection, but it sounds like you have exhausted a lot of resources, especially if the sales rep is involved. Does Sobraview have a “contact us” email or number? It might be that someone in product development has more experience with it than the rep.

    Just curious for my own info, how is your dad’s Gemzar being administered? and how sick is it making him?


    Hello. My Dad has a Sorbaview shield/patch that is covering his pic line. This dressing has a window that allows you to view the pic sight. Around the window is a white lining. Dad goes in every week to have this changed. The last couple weeks, the white lining started to turn yellow with a green discoloration identifiable sporadically around the window. The oncology nurses have never seen this and the infusion center has never heard of this but it is happening and the nurses have seen it. Even the sales rep., for the Sobraview, has not heard of it. The nurses and the infusion center does not feel it is a infection, and the discoloration has no odor involvement. Does anyone have any insight?

    Dad was diagnosed in early Nov. with CC. He’s 64 & is currently undergoing chemo with Gemzar.

    Thanks for your thoughts….


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