Dr prescribed Augmentin

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    I appreciate the information about Augmentin. I don’t think it’s bad to look into things. How do we find the knowledge we need when those that SHOULD have the knowledge don’t? We need the knowledge to fight this illness, and if we get a little bit more than we need, so what. Thank you too for sharing the liver connection and Augmentin. The next time my Dr. wants to give it to me for an infection, I know what to tell him.



    Hi Linda,

    I’ve been doing a bit more research and I have found that they use it for PSC, it’s part of the ABC Regimen:

    Repeated cholangitis attacks are sometimes managed by a rotating antibiotic regimen often termed



    I’ve taken Augmentin before. My doctors would routinely prescribe this antibiotic for a habitual ear infection I would get.

    I haven’t heard that it can cause liver damage though. It might be time for me to do a little research on it since they seem to favor that over other antibiotics.

    Here’s hoping for good news on Monday.



    Took Dad to hospital to see Doctor regarding his raised bilirubin levels. Without blood test results Doctor can’t confirm whether it may be an infection or stent blockage. The oncology department with Dads blood test is at our local hospital. They have given Dad a course of Augmentin, which I’m a bit worried about because those can cause liver problems, but hey I’m no doctor. Has anyone else had these?

    We will have to phone back Monday to get results as they will have more of an idea then. It will either be another hospital stay for stent cleanout or hopefully antibiotics will have worked and it will all settle down.

    Doctor was a bit baffled as Dad as no symptoms, ie darker urine, lack of appetite, fever or chills. He did say that the eyes will start to become orange tinged quickly if it is a blockage so look out for that. Dads eyes are still tinged yellow but have got no worse, which the Doctor said was a good sign. Suppose we will be on ‘eye’ watch the next few days.

    More waiting and hoping

    Best wishes

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