Drs. in the Carolinas and Georgia

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Drs. in the Carolinas and Georgia

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    They recommended Johanna Bendell at Duke. Here is her profile: http://www.dukehealth.org/physicians/50A56ECB64DB79838525706D0049061F

    I hope you are having a good visit with your family.

    – Sara


    I will be here until December 2. I was only “authorised” a week visit by my doctor. Thanks Sara!!!



    devoncat – I apologize, as I think you mentioned this in another thread, but how long will you be in the Carolinas? I shot an email out to some of our contacts, but I don’t know how quickly I will get a response in light of the holiday.


    I have made an appointment to see Dr. Sanoff at UNC Chapel Hill next WEdnesday. It seems that one or two of you are going to her and like her. I was just wondering if there was someone else in this neck of the woods???? Just want to make sure I am covering all and the right bases. My friend who is an onc in Seattle was suprised I was not going to Duke. Not that she had any specifics, but now she has me questioning my source for a second. Bless her, she is more worried about things than I am and has nothing positive to say about my medical care in Sweden which (Besides my hope-stealer of an oncologist I will never see again) has been positive. Anyway, does anyone have any other suggestions for doctors in the beautiful south?


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