drug induced cataracts

Discussion Board Forums Adverse Reactions & Side Effects drug induced cataracts

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    Sorry to hear this Kris, BUT, cataracts (OR CADILLACS) are a very easy solution, however I understand that it is one more thing to contend with. We are twins as I am being watched for mine (expect it though at 72) and turns out that the Predisone I have been on for almost a year is pushing them along too. I asked the Opth. how do we know when it is time and he said when it reaches 4 on the “scale”, mine are at 2. So, with all your chemo, and what ever else you now have Nuclear cataracts? Have you thought about becoming the Bionic Woman?


    Leave it to me to get yet one more interesting side effect. I’ve been having blurriness in my right eye since I was on Xeloda. It is a rare side effect, according to Genentech.
    It’s gotten progressively worse: so much so that if I close my left eye I can’t read anything. It’s all blurry and filmy. So I finally made an appt. with an opthamologist… I have drug induced cataracts!! Yay, me!
    They are very fast growing and are are called “nuclear sclerotic cataracts”. He says I need to do something about it within a matter of months, not years. So I guess for Thanksgiving or Christmas I’ll be laid up and housebound.
    Like I didn’t have enough to worry about with the cc mets to my lymph nodes.
    Have I said lately that I HATE CANCER???

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