Easter Lillies

Discussion Board Forums In Remembrance Easter Lillies

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  • #28057

    Your heart is so heavy right now and I know that comfort will be hard to find. Holidays are always harder. Next year, you will see and feel something different, but right now your grief is too new.

    The story of your families connection to the Easter lillies was beautiful and I am sure it will be something you pass down to other members of your family…but the tradition and story. It is in those ways that we keep those who have passed on alive.




    I think you are right – next year those lilies will bring you comfort again. Your grief is toofresh for this year. Last year, we had an easter lily for Easter, and I planted it outside in my herb garden after Easter. It bloomed for the 2nd time 2 weeks before my husband passed away, and lasted until two weeks after. I though it was God’s way of reminding me of his promise of renewal. That lily is going to bloom this Spring – it is pushing up through the ground now, and I want to think of them as the symbol of eternal life. Our loved ones are not gone – they are just “in the next room”.

    Joyce C.


    The wild Easter Lillies are growing in my Daddy’s yard. My Daddy lived in the house he was born in, the house my granny lived in until she died and where I have wonderful childhood memories. Every year, around Easter, the wild Easter Lillies would fill the left side of my granny’s yard, I would pick them and of course she would put them in a vase on her table – proudly displayed. As I grew older and my daddy moved into that house, the Easter Lillies still bloomed and we would talk about when I was a little girl and would pick them for her.

    The Easter Lillies are blooming and my Daddy is not here for me to reminiscence with. I drive by my Daddy’s every morning and every afternoon – I am sad today – because I miss my one and only Daddy. The Easter Lillies should bring me comfort – this is the first Easter without him – but they don’t. Hopefully in years to come they will bring comfort – but not this year. I am just very sad.

    My Daddy planted some of the wild Easter Lillies by my granny’s grave. My Daddy is buried right beside her……the Easter Lillies are blooming there too.
    I am sure I am feeling like my Daddy did when he saw the Easter Lillies blooming and he couldn’t talk with his momma – I am sure that is why he planted some by her so she could enjoy them still.

    I love you Daddy and miss you more than words can say………..

    Smiles through a lot of tears today,

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