Effects of Yttrium-90 selective internal radiation therapy on non-conv

Discussion Board Forums Radiation Treatments & Options Effects of Yttrium-90 selective internal radiation therapy on non-conv

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  • #89167

    Thank you Gavin for your post! I just found out that the VA is going to perform an embolization on my dad. My mom “wrote everything down” but was too tired to give me the exact name of the procedure. I am calling back tomorrow to find out if they will use Chemo or Yttrium-90.. I’m not sure what will be done exactly. I may ask for the doctors phone number so I can ask myself. They are waiting to have the procedure done until mid Sept. as I will be back with them. My dad is in TX and I am in CA. I am a little concerned as to why they let me family delay on this procedure until my visit. From reading the article you posted it looks like unless something crazy happened.. this treatment would really extend the life of my father. I do not have any information about who will do the procedure yet. I just know it will be done at the Dallas VA Hospital.


    Effects of Yttrium-90 selective internal radiation therapy on non-conventional liver tumors.


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