Efficacy of Oxaliplatin/Capecitabine (Xeloda) as second line

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Efficacy of Oxaliplatin/Capecitabine (Xeloda) as second line

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    Thank you for sharing your concern on this forum. You are taking steps to ensure your father gets the best treatment. I cannot share our experience with Xeloda, but it was offered as the first treatment choice by one oncologist and he said there is no guarantee that it would work. You are absolutely right to be concerned about low platelets, and what is his hemoglobin level and is he anemic? As we know through studies, chemotherapy lowers patients platelets and red blood cells, so it’s a risk one must consider. That particular doctor did not give statistical information, but offered an option of blood transfusions if my mom’s blood count went low, which was already low. We did not go with the treatment for this reason. Again, it is individual choice. My journey has taught me not to go with statistics as difficult as that may be. This is a mystery condition and hard to figure out. Do a search on our forum for Xeloda, there could be promising results. Did the doctor suggest platelet transfusion if it gets too low? How low is it?

    Again, thanks so much for sharing your experience.


    Grateful to have found this forum.

    I wonder if anyone has faced a similar situation and if so, I would be keen to understand your experience and the advice you received.

    My dad, 70, started Cisplatin/Gemcitabine last Dec for advanced CC. At that time the tumours had already spread to the lymph nodes. C/G (which has been taken for 6 months straight) managed to keep the tumours under control but a recent scan in May reveals that the tumours have grown. In any case his platelets were too low to continue on C/G.

    His Drs says theres no standard line second-line treatment for Advanced CC, and has just started him on Oxaliplatin/Capecitabine (Xeloda). However, they say that the success rate (i.e. of keeping the tumours under control) is 10-20% and for most people it can only keep the tumours under control for 4-6 months. (I cannot find online literature to verify this)

    If this fails, he can only try experimental treatments but this would depend on eligibility to join and platelets will most likely be the limiting factor.

    Does anyone have experience with Oxaliplatin/Capecitabine as second line and what has the experience been? Did the Drs quote similar numbers?

    Drs say 6 – 12 months from this point. Not sure what to make of this.

    Thanks so much in advance.

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