Elevated ca 19.9

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Elevated ca 19.9

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    Nidhidhakar…..I don’t know of any alternate therapy preventing malignancies and I can’t recall anyone posting on salvastrol platinum capsules.


    If somebody had a similar situation or if somebody knows what it means to have increased cash 19.9…kindly let me know!!


    i also wanted to know about any useful alternate therapies to prevent the malignancy from comin back or at least delaying the recurrence..
    i heard about salvastrol platinum capsules…has anybody used it? is it helpful?
    please let me know your views on it…thanks


    Thanks a lot Marion…i would just keep my fingers crossed and pray to god that markers come down..we will get the markers evaluated and scan done again in august..


    Nidhidhakar……welcome to our site. I have learned that a fluctuating CA 19-9 is common, however a steady upward trend is carefully watched and taken under consideration if and when scans and other symptoms may lead to a more conclusive answer. Please try to relax (I know it’s not easy) but there is a chance for the markers to level out. I hope for others to share their thoughts with you as well.


    Hello everybody..I am a new member here. ..my mother was diagnosed with distal common bile duct cholangiocarcinoma in December last year…she underwent Whipple’s procedure for the same …the post surgical biopsy report showed that her malignancy was T4 N1…5 nodes were positive..so she was kept on 6 cycles of gemcitabine and cisplatin..which she finished last month…
    She underwent pet scan and blood investigations after her chemotherapy got over…her PET scan came out to be normal but ca 19.9 was very high…it was 300…post operatively it was 75…and it was 283 at the time of diagnosis…I am extremely worried at this rise of the marker…can anybody please tell me if it has happened with them? What does it suggest…

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