embolization before resection

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    Kris….the physicians probably don’t have all the answers and are cautious with making predictions or false statements.
    Much is about “wait and see.”


    I wasn’t sure I wanted the liver to be necrotic for long tho. I’m trusting my doc but sometimes they don’t tell me everything. And I don’t always understand but don’t think of questions until another day…


    Kris…don’t quite understand. Why are you worried? You want it to be necrotic due to treatments.


    Oh, well. Adding to this one.
    Does anyone know how long I can leave the liver after the embolization? I’m a little worried about necrosis. I had the embolization March 5 and haven’t had a CT scan since March 26 where they saw some possible necrosis.
    Started 4 cycles of Xeloda and I don’t think we are even going to look at surgery before June 12ish.


    Hi Kris,

    Looking forward to your new thread too!




    Kris…we are counting on the new thread.


    I guess it’s time to close this thread. Hopefully I get to start another one here soon. Today was supposed to be the day of my surgery Unfortunately, due to the fluid in the lungs, and probably the growth in the tumor, it was put on hold. Fluid is way down, but now I’m back on chemo (see other thread under general discussion) to try to get the tumor and lymph nodes shrunk again. Hopefully in a couple of months I get to post my new resection date.


    Kris, I am so happy you get to have surgery. the liver is amazing, my surgeon took over 75 percent of my liver and it grows back !! I was scared too but as long as you feel confident in your surgeon things will go well.



    I think it is so awesome that you get to have surgery. That is what everyone hopes for and you are one of the lucky ones!! It is only natural to be nervous. I would think something was wrong with you if you weren’t! I am so excited for you. You are so tough. I know you will sail through everything. Best wishes to you.

    Love, -Pam


    Good Luck Kris.


    Kris….everything you have been working for is now happening. I am thrilled for you. You have a tidal wave of support heading your way.
    Hugs and love,


    Hi Kris,

    Thanks for keeping us up to date with what is going on for you. As for feeling really scarey, like Lainy says, that sounds normal to me and I know I would feel just like you do now! And of course, I will be keeping everything crossed for you and know that you have a whole army in your corner here!




    Kris, I have marked my calender for the “grand opening!” Of course you are scared and excited, sounds normal to me. You are going to be fine, with everyone tossing out great vibes to you and many prayers, you cannot miss. Think positive and I will be praying for God to come through the Radiologist’s hands! Love you so very much and be strong!!!



    Best of luck to you!! I’m sure you must be scared but I’m sure that is normal. I think it is wonderful you are getting a resection and you will be in my prayers.

    Take care



    Well, everything is set.
    March 5 is my embolization. It is with the same radiologist that did my last embolization successfully. I don’t remember if I posted, but I had 3 different radiologists try a different embolization last summer. 1 failed. 1 didn’t even try after he or she got into the vein, and the 3rd went in and did the embolization successfully. THAT is the radiologist that will do this embolization. My surgeon says she’s the best on staff, too.
    She will go thru the right side of my liver into the vein and will block off the left branch of the vein so most of the blood goes into the right side of the liver. This will have the left side sort of “die off” and the right will take over the work. (what normally happens AFTER the resection). It’s a little scary because if she nicks the vein I will have compromised blood flow, or no blood flow to the right side and that will be the end of my liver. But that WON’T happen! Dr. Brown is the best radiologist at SK and I believe she can do this. Of course, it doesn’t keep me from worrying…
    Then March 26 I have a CT scan to check on growth.
    As long as all goes as planned, the resection is April 4th. I believe it is an auspicious day, as it is 1 year to the day of when I met Dr. Fong. So it’s a sign that all will go well. I’ve told my parents to expect a 15 day hospital stay… I think it’s safe to guess that much since I will be losing 75% of my liver. And I found out why he is taking so much out: it all has to do with blood flow and drainage. Those parts of the liver will die off when he removes what he HAS to remove, so he has to take them out, too.
    I’m trying to stay positive but as all of you know, this is really scary. Worse to my nerves than being inoperable. Now I have the biggest hope and the biggest fear all at the same time.


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