Enlarged lymph node

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    Dear Lisa,

    My prayers are always with you. We will go to lunch as soon as you are feeling up to it after your lumpectomy. God bless you, Lisa. I think about you every day!!

    Love, -Pam


    Dear Lisa,

    I so hope that all goes well for you with the CT on Tuesday and your surgery on Wednesday. I will keep everything crossed for the best possible outcomes to both days and tons and tons of positive thoughts are coming your way from over here.




    Praying for you and hope your results are good ones.


    Lisa…A tidal wave of good wishes is heading your way. Can you feel it?


    Dearest Lisa, sending Prayers, good vibes, the best ju ju , and everything else I can muster up!


    Sending prayers..



    I will be praying for you Lisa!



    Breast biopsy ruled out breast cancer and a metastasis but the sample was not big enough to rule out lymphoma. I have surgery this Wednesday, I will have a lumpectomy so they can determine if it is nothing or a type of lymphoma. Tuesday is the day I have a CAT scan to see if steriotactic radiation worked on the two liver tumors and hopefully no new ones popped up. I’m also hoping my CA 19-9 has decreased from 1350. I am so blessed to have all of my wonderful CC friends from this site. Asking for prayers for Tuesday and Wednesday.
    Thanks in advance, Lisa


    Lisa: I’m praying it’s an enlarged lymph node. But Lainy is right: they are coming out with vaccine trials for many types of cancer. A good friend of mine was just admitted into the breast cancer vaccine trial.
    So I’m sending prayers and crossing fingers that it’s just a lymph node or something “easy” to fix!
    Good luck tomorrow!!


    I saw Dr. Crowe today at the Cleveland Clinic. He said that pathology has ruled out breast cancer and metastatic cholangiocarcinoma; so it is either nothing but an enlarged lymph node or some type of lymphoma. Pathology will let Dr. Crowe know tomorrow or Wednesday if they can give a definitive diagnosis or if they need more tissue which would mean surgery to remove the lump.


    Lisa, this sounds pretty good to me! I just had a talk today about Lymphoma with my daughter. She is working on a site similiar to ours as her boyfriend of many years has had Lymphoma for about 4 years now. He went through the whole natural pathic thing including Vitamin C IV once a month. He has Continuous Lymp. and has been in remission but now they think he has Filicula Lymphoma. Point of all this is there is soon to be a Vaccine you take once and it has been in trial at Stanford and may come out very soon, at least by the end of this year. SO, you get the one vaccine once and if it returns later you get one more. There are no side effects one shot you are done. Something about using your own blood or cells and then treating them and putting them back in. Like sending an army to battle and winning. It just blew me away. Many have beenin the trial for 10 years with no new onset. Just think how close we may be someday to saying this about CC! All my best to you with many hugs. I have a feeling you are going to be just fine!!!


    Met with Dr. Crowe at the Cleveland Clinic(head of their breast center) to find out pathology results from breast biopsy. The pathologists have ruled out breast cancer and a metastisis from the liver so that leaves either an abnormal lymph node or a type of lymphoma. I will find out tomorrow if pathology can definitively identify the lump or they may need the whole lump to identify what it is; in that case I will have surgery to remove the lump and then wait for pathology again. I am still praying for the abnormal lymph node which is nothing per Dr. Crowe.
    Please keep praying…Thanks



    I’m so glad it’s not breast cancer or mets from the liver. Hopefully is just an abnormal lymph node. I’m sorry you have to go through more procedures and worst of all play the waiting game. I hate the waiting game. Best wishes and I will continue to pray for you.



    I continue to pray for you nightly. I wish you didn’t have to wait until Tuesday to find out: hopefully you get a call sooner. The stress of not knowing is awful! Stay strong and keep fighting!




    Your are the strongest and most courageous person I know. You are thrown so many hurdles, but just keep jumping over them! I know it will be the same this time. Whatever the outcome, we are here for you. Lauren and I are praying night and day for you and your family. If you are feeling up to it, we would love to go to lunch in the near future. We miss our Lisa! Take care and God bless.

    -Pam & Lauren

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