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    This post brings to mind all the medications that have been prescribed for Tom in the recent months. Well over a thousand dollars then after two or three days the doctor calls and says to ‘discontinue’ them cause he does not have what I thought he had! So there we sit with meds that can’t be used. And they are generally not cheap medications. And since our $4,800 deductible just started over on 7/1/2011 that means it all came out of my pocket!

    I don’t know of any ‘place’ that would accept unused meds, unless they are not opened. Possibly a nursing home, or a local free clinic. We are lucky in the respect that we do have some family members that are on some of the same drugs that Tom has been prescribed, so we have been able to help them out by giving some away to that family member, but with the rest we dispose of them.



    Jackieh…my heart is with you. Loosing three of the dearest people in your life presents is extremely difficult to deal with. And, here you are thinking of others in need. You are a giving and kind person and I wish with all my heart for good feelings to come into your life.


    Thank you for all of the thoughts and good wishes! Each day seems a little ea sier and then for no reason I start to cry and remember her, like now. I guess this natural. Loosing my parents was difficult but this is that times 10! I did however loose all three of them in the last ten years. Each of them spent there last couple of years with me. My dad in 2001,mom in 2009, and my sister in june 2011! Ithink in some ways I am just grieving for all three! I pray dailey for everyone afflicted with this dasterdly disease and their families for the courage, grace, and strength to see it through.
    I will check with hospice as these are perscription digestive enzymes and are very expensive.
    God Bless!


    Hi Jackie. I had Home Hospice here for 4 months before I moved Teddy to their facility. I am in Phoenix and one of the Nurses told me that a man would come pick up anything I wanted to give him and he takes it to a small Medical Clinic in Mexico. You might call your local Hospice and ask them if they have any ideas.
    I sent an unused commode, a mattress for the Hospital bed, walker, wheel chair
    and unused Meds. I felt so good doing that. Be strong, Jackie as I am positive you did above and beyond the call of duty. Your heart will hurt for awhile but then good Memories will start to take over and you will also know that your Sister is still near you.


    Hi Jackie, Nice to hear from you. Looking back at your posts I would say everything was done to help your sister and you were an amazing advocate and support for her. We still have a long way to go to find a cure for all. I hope the days are getting easier for you.
    Sorry, I have no good suggestions about the creon. I imagine it is a prescription drug? I know it seems like such a waste to get rid of them. I suppose you can ask the pharmacist if there is a way to donate them. Of course they would have to have been sealed in a way that no one could have gotten into them. The logistics are complicated I would imagine.
    Thanks for thinking of us; we are still fighting. Nancy


    Hi everyone! I was just reading some of the posts, my heart goes out to each and everyone and your families. I lost my older sister to this awful disease this past June! I do not think my heart will ever stop hurting or my mind stop wondering if we could have done more. You patients are the most courageous group II have ever come acrossed!!!!! Thank you for allowing us to share.
    I have a question for everyone. I have ALOT of the digestive enzyme -creon. My sister had just gotten a major refill before the end. I was wondering if anyone knows of a place you can donate these. I know they are very expensive, she was very lucky and had great insurance. I know there are alot who do not. Any suggestions appreciated.
    I will forever pray for all of you! Keep on fighing! God Bless.

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