ERCP recovery

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion ERCP recovery

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    Dear Erine, Welcome to our family and the best place to be for CC support. I am so sorry about your MIL. Usually it is a day or so to get back to normal. The yellow does take a week or so to start leaving. Think of it as having tinted her skin. I would certainly call her ONC and tell him how poorly she is feeling. Since they had so much trouble with the stent they may have missed their target or the stent may have slipped but I would call the ONC> Speaking of ONCs make sure she is with on experienced with CC and at a hospital also experienced with CC. She really needs to be with an experienced ONC. Good to hear you have been reading up on our Board as knowledge is the best tool we have for fighting this. Now that she was stented what is their plan of treatment. Glad to have you aboard but wish you didn’t have to find us. Please keep us posted in how MIL is doing as we truly care.


    Hello all,
    I am new to this board but have already learned so much from reading your posts. My mother in law has recently been diagnosed with an inoperable Klatskin’s tumour. She is 80 and has all the usual symptoms: very jaundiced, dark urine, clay coloured stools, fatigue and weakness. She had an ERCP last Wednesday. They were unable to place a metal stent and had use a smaller, plastic one. The ERCP was a bit more involved simply because they had to try three times to get the stent in. Here are my questions: she had been relatively well before the procedure. Yellow, tired and weak, but certainly able to manage on her own with minimal care. Now, she can hardly be left alone for any length of time and is struggling just to get out of bed. Is this normal after an ERCP? How long does recovery take? Also, how long do they take to relieve symptoms? The doctor said about a week, but it’s been five days and she is still really yellow, has the dark urine and clay coloured stools. So, essentially, she has had no relief of symptoms and is actually feeling worse. Any input you might have is so appreciated. We are trying to figure out our game plan for her care but we thought the decline would be gradual after some improvement post ERCP. We are in Ontario and she got the stent in London, but her primary care physician is now the palliative care doctor in our home town. Thanks again,

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