ERCP stent life

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    Hi Dingdowner
    Welcome to the community.

    The NHS are not the best communicators. If you don’t ask your don’t get told! My wife has a metal stent and as such should last up to 1 year. Last month she started to show signs that the stent may becoming blocked. Blood tests showed that her liver is performing within tolerances. In fact her CA 19-9 levels have nearly halved since mid November. They are still an eye-watering 34,000, down from 60,000.

    After 4 cycles Karen had her mid treatment scans 10 days ago, results expected at this Thursday’s meeting with her oncologist. A very nervous time as we hope and prey Gem/Cis is having a positive effect.


    I recently, (10th Feb) has a stent fitted durin g ERCP but have requested a copy of my medical records as no one seems to know whether it was plastic or metal.I am due for another procedure in 2 days and might just ask the specialist then, although it won’t be the same one who performed the last procedure. The need for a second ERCP has come about due to some sort of reaction during the first one and the inability of the pathologist to determine a diagnosis from the insufficient biopsies taken then. Hopefully, this one will be better and at last some sort of meaninful diagnosis is forthcoming.
    The waiting is the worst part, not knowing whether the result is going to be good or bad. Either way, coming to grips with the possible result has to be something each of us approach in our own individual way.
    Will be back once the results are in to update.


    I have learned that plastic stents occlude (clog) at about 3 months, but often times we see need for replacement within 6 to 8 weeks. Self expandable metal stents are larger and clog less often, but they have a tendency to migrate. The overall consensus of using one over the other appears to be cost related. Additionally, metal stents are difficult to remove.

    In any case, it is important to watch for signs of ascending cholangitis, an infection common to biliary stents, which can be fatal. Please take a look at this educational link:

    Make sure to download the biliary card and have on hand at all times.



    My bf had two plastic stents that were put right after the diagnosis. They were not monitored and were replaced only after a serious episode of cholangitis a year afterwards.. This time a metal stent was inserted but i was shocked to hear that it probably should have been done a lot earlier.


    Hi Tony,

    As Lainy has said to you, the plastic ones last up to about 3 months before clogging can become and issue and the metal ones about a year or so. I also agree with Lainy that if your wife is showing these symptoms you describe then this needs to be looked at by the medical team.

    You say that your wife was told a year before clogging may become an issue so I am guessing that your wife had a metal stent placed?

    My best to you and your wife,



    Yep, Tony, sounds like a stent change is around the corner. If your wife has plastic stents they usually have to be exchanged every 6 weeks to 3 months. It is very common for them to “clog” up. The metal stents are better at not clogging but they may also need a change when these reactions start happening. You never want to wait and see as once these signs appear the stent needs to be taken care of right away so an infection does not occur. Wishing you the best on this on Thursday.


    Hello all
    My wife Karen had a biliary stent fit using the ERCP method on the 17th Nov 15. The stent proved successful and relieved her jaundice. After 3 months some of the problems she had are starting to re appear. Sweats, bloated stomach and light coloured poo’s! She has a meeting with her oncologist on Thursday and starts cycle 4 of Gem/Cis on Friday. Tests to follow next week.

    I would be interesting to know members experiences, how long can you expect a stent to operate before it starts to become blocked and give difficulties? She was initially told it could be good for up to 1 year!

    Kind regards

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