ERCP unsuccessful for stents

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    We have a different system here for measuring (as do many other countries) reference range for bilirubin is about 24 the upper limit I think and yes stents can be done percutaneously, also pretty common for ercp to be unsuccessful with or without surgery


    This is what I have learned: if the biliary system is obstructed and ERCP was unsuccessful a PTC (short for Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography) or percutaneous hepatic cholangiogram (PTHC) can be performed. It then allows for internal or external biliary drainage via metal stenting.
    Hugs and love,


    Dearest Phil, yes, yes, yes. I would try to push for a PET Scan NOW! Not 2 weeks from now. I am waiting to hear what is said Monday! Good luck and many hugs.

    Hi Andy, so good to see you again! I am wondering if anyone else on here was stented the same way as Dad and Teddy.


    Lainy, Andie, thanks for all the information about PTC. I went to the Surgeon yesterday to try and see if he will change his mind and try and help us out. He is now going to send us for a PET scan. He will make a decision after he views the PET scan. We have not received a date yet for the scan but hopefully it should be in the next couple of weeks. My husband remains pretty fatigued and weak. His pain is worse at night so we have some pain-killers (Endone) and sleeping tablets that never seem to work on him but altealst now I am aware that they can do PTC. The Oncologist is seeing us on Monday. Thank you so much for all your assistance as I was feeling so hopeless.All my prayers & blessings to you all


    Hi Phil,

    My Dad couldn’t have stents fitted via ERCP, they went through his side, think it was called a PCT ??. Like Lainy said, a tube would be put through the side into the ducts, the stent would then be guided through the tube. The tube was usually kept in a few days so they could see the stent was working. Dad usually had a dye flushed through so they could see this, along with daily blood tests. Then the tube was taken out. Dad had a little discomfort from this procedure but nothing a paracetomal couldn’t fix.


    GEE, Phil! It is normal to have some bilirubin in your blood. Normal levels are:
    •Direct (also called conjugated) bilirubin: 0 to 0.3 mg/dL
    •Total bilirubin: 0.3 to 1.9 is considered normal! Phil, you need to ask the ONC if there is any other way! I just don’t understand how Teddy was stented after his Whipple then! We were always checking Teddy’s stool because you don’t want it chalky colored as that could mean clogged bile ducts. Did you ask if you could get a 2nd opinion! And you are right, that is not an answer from the Doctor! Iwish I could give you some miracle answer. Is it possible for you to have a talk with the Doctor. It is things like this that make me feel so fortunate to live in the USA. Wait! I just remembered something. Teddy’s tube to the bile ducts came out his side and the Radiologist went in guided by a visual (not sure what you call it) and the stent was put in from the side to the bile ducts.


    My husband ERCP was un-successful due to the previous whipples surgery.
    They could not identify the ducts and hence could not place the ducts. My husband condition remains bad. He is very tired, and today has developed pale stools. The ERCP physician said that his Billirubin is 26 and that is not too bad. Is that an answer? I am so frustrated. Is it possible to put stents via a laporoscopy?
    I am going mad


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