Farmers at Heart forever !!!!!

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Farmers at Heart forever !!!!!

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    Hello ! I am not new to this site but I didn’t introduce myself in the early beginning ! At that time I was just so consumed with worry, wanting to get all the information I could to help us with this awful cc, so here goes…..
    My husband had cc diagnosed 2012, we weren’t sure exactly what that meant but was told just how bad it was. The saddest day in our lives , it was April and by June we had got that Famous 2nd opinion ! Nine months later He was listed for a liver transplant in March 2014 and on the last day of May we got the call, He was so very lucky to qualifie and get a donated liver, we thiank God for that and all of our team that gave him his life back.
    He is 68 by the way, some Drs would not have worked to get him a liver, but our dr at Barnes did just that, Dr Chapman is a very caring Dr.We can’t say enough good about him, I thank Cathy here on the forum for telling us about her own case and results.
    Kenny was able to recover very nicely and is now back to his self. The fall harvest is over for us and with great results from the new liver, Kenny was able to do his own work ! He was so very happy.
    I’d like to thank every person on this wonderful site for all of the stories that they are going thru or have done. It helps to not feel so alone in this Battle we all have been through
    Kenny has his first mri since transplant oct 29th, Sure hope we continue with good news,

    Love and Thanks

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