Father and CC

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    Sorry you had to find us, but I think you will find a supportive group here. Tim, where are you located?

    This disease is rare (fewer than 2000 cases diagnosed per yr in the US) and because of that, the best treatment is found in big city/major cancer centers. See the links below my name for more info there.

    My circumstances were similar to you dad’s, except I have some significant cardiac issues. In any case, I was successfully operated on almost two years ago by Dr. Tomoaki Kato, a miracle worker at NY Presbyterian in NYC, nowhere near where I live (about a 7 hour car ride). That was clearly the right place for me to be.

    Hopefully, your father will be a candidate for surgery, as that presents the best chance for a ‘cure’ from this nasty disease.

    Each of the hospitals has it’s own routines for medical info, and most want to do their own scans, etc. That was my case. I had a CT scan done in MD, but the doctor wanted more scans done at NY Presbyterian. The good news was they maintain all the diagnostic data on-line and any doctor at that hospital can see the scans, reports, etc. in a heart beat.

    I would suggest getting a game plan in place quickly, as time is your enemy here ,,, some instances of cc progress slowly and some very quickly. Keep the questions coming … there are lots of really helpful and smart people here.

    Good luck in your quest and I hope and pray for a good outcome with your dad.


    Good morning,
    My father was recently diagnosed with CC and is having a metal stent inserted into his bile duct today to hopefully allow his liver to begin draining normally again. He is 70 years old and has been healthy throughout his entire life, until now. I suppose I like many who have posted on this site had never heard of CC, until this diagnosis. As the initial shock was replaced by the grim reality of this terrible disease, it is comforting to know that there is a resource such as this where I am hopefully able to gather information that may extend my father’s life. I have read much about the disease in the last 48 hours, and as far as the diagnosis we are not at the point where the stage has been defined and without that the next step seems to be a little unclear. From the little that I have learned, it sounds as if there are many treatment options, but they vary based upon the stage, so it is likely premature to seek out advice on what works and does not work. That being said, is an appropriate first step to forward his imaging results to the research hospitals listed on this site? If this is not the best step forward, what is? My father has been my rock, has provided everything for which my mother, siblings, and grandchildren could ask. He is a fighter, but I know that it is now my responsibility to lead this fight on his behalf. I appreciate any feedback that others have to offer.


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