Fatty Liver question for PCL

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    Thank you for responding. It’s just when the Dr. office mentioned fatty ‘liver’ it definitly caught my attention and my breath, it just seems almost too coincedental after losing my mother and my alarm bells are ringing. I will post my Ultrasound report when I pick it up tomorrow when I go see the Nurse Practitioner at the Dr. office and she sent me for blood work the week before, I can see if she’ll give me that info, but I think she was checking Thyroid or something. She was basically looking for an ulser, but then came back with this news. I am still a bundle of nerves, this organ called the liver terrifies me after seeing what happened to my mother.


    mother…I agree with Percy, we have no data linking fatty liver disease to the development of Cholangiocarcinoma. Please, do not have fear overcome you.
    Hugs and love,


    Is it ok for you to put your ultrasound report on the board for me to take a note.
    You can email me thru this web site if you think the info you disclosed is too private.
    The short unswer is no .so don’t worry at this point. May I ask how old you are and do you have a lipid profile done? ( lab work of cholesterol and triglyceride etc) .on any medication now like Lopid or Tricor or statins like Zocor?
    I will try to answer more of your concern when I receive your info.
    No need to worry ,fatty liver is not a risk factor for cholangiocarcinoma but long term outcome is unclear.
    God bless.


    My mother passed away 1.5 years ago very quickly from Bile Duct cancer…less than 4 months after diagnosis She was 73 years old. She always had digestive issues and just thought it was life, the way it ws. I too have discomfort and just recently decided to look into it. They did a ultra sound and have found a fatty liver….is this the start of what my mom had? I’m suddenly very scared…

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