Fear the tumor is back!

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    Kris and Tess, your words are so encouraging, Kris you brought me to tears. The advise you just gave is perfect for us thank you!!! Thank you both!

    kctasty2004, my mom was diagnosed in July, and I know how you feel. I will pray for you. I am new to all this and really don’t have any advise to give. But I can pray=-) and I will!
    God Bless, Elicia


    It is so hard to be strong, and to find words of encouragement- when your heart is breaking. Just keep loving your Mom and being there for her when she needs you, that is likely more encouragement for her than you’ll ever know.



    I am so sorry for what you and your mom are going through. Have you talked to the doctors and have they offered an opinion? Is there a possibility it is scar tissue from the surgery or complications? Are they going to stent her to relieve some of the symptoms…that might make her more comfortable so she has the strength to fight.

    TBH, the thing that keeps me fighting is my love for my husband, family, friends and just plain life. I can laugh at anything…even when I had such bad diarhea it literally leaked out of me (didnt pass gas or anything, just leaked) at the dinner table. Having a good sense of humor and being able to laugh at myself (for the most part) has kept things into perspective.

    I see a psychologist and I give that 2 thumbs up. It has really helped to keep things into perspective and remain positive.

    I am very realistic though and I absolutely hate false hope and unrealistic positive comments. My mother is great at them, and I get so upset and angry over them. Sometimes it is a burden to have people so unrealistically optimistic when the truth is staring you in the face.

    So, in my opinion, encourage your mother by telling her how much you want her around and how much you love her. Dont leave her sitting by herself bored in the hospital…hospitals have a way of making one depressed and sucking out the joy of life. Do small things to help her enjoy life,..,.like sitting outside, watching nature and drinking coffee. Play card games. I really like going to the movies. You get out, but really you are just sitting there so it requires little energy…particularly if you go in the afternoon. Make sure she is not in pain. I know that when I am happy, living a normal life, and not in pain…I am a cancer warrior. When I am depressed, tired, loney and I hurt, I wonder what all this is for.

    So keep her active and show her how much you love her…that is my advice.

    BEst of luck.


    My mom had the Whipple on April 8th. Her tumor was diagnosed as Stage 3. She had several complications, including a hole between her stomach and small intestine. Her body filled with bile and she was in critical condition for several days; on a vent and dialysis. She did not get home until July 1st. Over the weekend she turned jaundice again. Her CA 19-9 level are 1600; it was 50 when first diagnosed. The MRI shows a blockage in the duct right outside the liver which is most likely tumor regrowth.

    I am so confused…I thought the surgery would do the trick. She can’t get chemo because she is still not fully recovered from ther surgery and complications. She has been through so much. I don’t know what to do for her. It breaks my heart. I am not ready to lose my mom to this nasty disease. How do I encourage her to keep fighting?

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