February 22,2007

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! February 22,2007

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  • #24139


    Welcome, you are among friends.



    Hi Oscar,

    Welcome & glad you found the site. Everyone on here is so kind & helpful. It sounds like things are going OK for you right now, but know that we are all here for you when you need us.



    Hello Oscar


    22nd of Feb the day I found out I had cancer. Nobody is really prepared for this kind of news, but it all made sense with all the pain and problems I was having and had for years before. The first diagnosis was not cc more like lymphoma. Our third doctor diagnosis me with cc. I am only 55 years old not ready to go anywhere. Our doctor is amazed that I am still here. My wife found this site today and it will be a blessing to keep in touch. We have a daughter who is 15 and a blended family so we have 5 grandkids. I am taking 80mg of oxycotin and oxycodone 3 times a day to manage the pain. We have done so many different kind of variations and this works best for me. We have tried extreme cancer diets and healthy organic eating to just eating when I am hungry and eat where ever I feel like eating. Everything is relevant. I feel better when I eat healthy. But it is hard to do all the time. I am still living after 1 year and 9 months and drink coffee everyday and sometimes I sleep all day and other days I am very active, but I Thank God for everyday I have here.

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