Feeling positive/no change in CT scan

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    Oh Andie, I am so sorry that your Dad did not get his procedure done today. That must be so frustrating, for all of you. I am angry for you too ! I will keep my fingers crossed that it happens on Friday.
    best wishes



    Thanks all, our patience is really being tested. Took Dad in at 7.30am and he phoned me at dinner time to say it had been cancelled due to an emergency so could I fetch him back as he’d had to give up his bed. More waiting. They only do these procedures Mon, Wed and Fri, so it will either be Fri or Mon. I can appreciate that someone else must be worse off for this to be cancelled but Dad is also a priority as he needs his chemo. Rant over!

    Jemima, one of the nurses who took part in the organising of the ABC 02 trial told my Dad side effects of this Chemo tended to be mild, and nausea was the main one but could be contolled with meds. I hope when my Dad finally gets it he deals with it as well as your Mom.

    Best wishes to everyone


    Thinking of you, Andie – please send my very best to your dad & let us know how he’s getting on.

    Julia x


    Hi Andie

    I am keeping you all in my thoughts for Wednesday and the stent procedure. Your Dad sounds like he has such a great attitude.

    My mum is doing really well on chemo. Apart from fatigue she has no real side effects. The odd spot of nausea which is easily controlled with medication and that’s it. I don’t know whether it’s because they are giving her a half dose each week instead of the full dose in week one, but it seems to be doing the trick.
    She is just worried that because she doesn’t feel too bad that it’s not working. But I don’t think that’s that case…at least I hope not.

    Good luck for you dad tomorrow

    best wishes



    Indeed Andrea, sometimes it can be very hard, especially with all the bumps in the road that we all have to deal with and try to overcome. I know that I went through all of that with my dad as well and I guess that it’s something that we all sort of just get used to. We have our bad days and our down days, then hopefully we come back fighting again just as you and your dad are doing now.

    Good to hear that your dad is still eating well and feeling well, and who’d have thought that we would ever be happy to hear that our loved one had been bitten loads by some nats!

    Best wishes to you and your dad,



    Thank you all for your kind words.

    As the day is getting closer i’m getting more anxious, Dad has never had a straight forward stent procedure, a 2 day procedure always seems to turn into a week or more. I really am hoping for 3rd time lucky. Atleast we haven’t got to phone for a bed this time, he has got to be in for 8am wed, but he is insisiting I get him there for 7.30 so he is first in!

    Jemima, I wish you and your Mom all the best for her forthcoming scan. When my Dad asked if there had been any change on his scan I held my breath what seemed like forever, but everything was ok, and that’s with no treatment. I reackon Dads tumor is laid back, like him!! How is your Mom coping with her Chemo?

    Kimk, yes they are a pain in the neck!

    Gavin, I’m trying to focus on the positive but as you know sometimes it can be very hard, but Dads still eating and feeling well so that’s another good sign. Mom thought his itching was back as he was scrathinh his legs madly, when they looked he’s been bitten all over his legs due to the nats when mowing the garden!

    Lainy, I will be keeping my chin up, don’t you worry, I have developed your fighting spirit that is contagious in your posts. Love to you and Teddy.


    Yes, keep focussing on the positive. Clogged stents are a pain in the neck, but the CT scan is the real diagnostic. Keep your eyes on that. All the best!



    Hi Andie

    I am so glad to hear that your Dad has had no change in his CT scan. With not having had any treatment it must have been a worrying time.
    Mum will have a scan in a few weeks after her chemo has finished and I am just dreading it incase it hasn’t worked.
    I am keeping my fingers (and everything else) crossed for a successful stent placement so that he can get that pesky bilirubin level down and start on his chemo.
    all my best wishes to you and your family



    Hi Andrea,

    Glad to hear that you are feeling a bit more positive after a few down days. I know that I went through the same sort of bad days with my dad, especially after some bad or not so good days, but dad would always bounce back and I with him. His really bad jokes used to make everyone laugh!!

    It is good to hear that there has been no change in your dads CT scan since March, and you are right to focus on this and think of the positives. So lets keep the fingers crossed for a successful outcome on Wednesday, third time lucky as you say!

    Best wishes to you and your dad,



    Hi Andie! No change in CT Scan is such a good thing and just the news to perk one up. Good luck on the stent again. Keep us posted and keep your chin up!


    Today I have woke up feeling more positive after a few ‘down’ days.

    Yes, Dads stent is blocked again so he will be back in hospital Wed BUT I’m focusing on the fact that there is no change in his CT scan from the original one in March.

    Just need to sort this pesky left stent out. It’s blocked due to tumor location/sludge and the fact that the stent in inside another stent making it already more narrow. I am putting my trust in God (and the radiologist) that it will be third time lucky!

    Best wishes to all my CC family


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