Feeling rough

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    Good for you! Don’t let this CC consume your life. Find ways to enjoy your life! Keep us posted.


    Lainy and positivity, thank you, I plan on enjoying the walks in the forest, love my apartment and had my first B12 shot today. The oncologist is going to keep an eye on the level in my blood as right now it is quite low. May have to get B12 every week instead of monthly.


    Great for your break from chemo. Be kind to yourself with great nutrition, nature walks, calmness, anything that lifts your spirit or mood. Supplements is a great way to restore everything you went through with chemo. Maybe you can take tranquil walks through the forest with your dog. Nurture yourself.


    Good Morning, Brigitte. Congratulations on your last Chemo! My husband did not have Chemo but had Radiation. His ONC put him on B12 shots and what a diff. they made! You could always tell when the month was almost up as he would again get tired. But for him, they really helped. I think when we get that tired it does tend to make us feel out of sorts. Also congrats on the new apartment, I am moving this weekend as well to a new apartment. Very excited as sometimes change is such a good thing. Wishing for you to have great results from the Scans. Enjoy your forest as you may see some wonderful creatures coming in to view.


    I have a scan scheduled for 24 April so today is the last of my 6 chemo infusions and I get at least a month’s break from chemo. Hoping the results will be encouraging. In the meantime, glad I will have a rest from the chemo as I am so tired. I guess the accumulation of the Gemzar is doing that. I have been on chemo for over 14 months now. My cardiologist gave me a prescription for B12 vitamin injection so hope it will help with the fatigue. I see the physician assistant today before my chemo so will check with her if the B12 will be helpful.
    Feeling a bit grumpy today and the weather is not helping. Thunder and lightning this morning!
    On the more positive side, I love my new apartment and enjoy sitting on the balcony with my dog, it is facing the forest.


    Brigitte……you took the words right out of my mouth by describing the way I feel about myself today as well. Honestly, I have met patients with wigs, those that choose to go bald, skinny and pudgy patients and I must say everyone looked beautiful to me. Rightfully you are at a rough spot, but you will get through it. Glad you let it all hang out.


    I think I over did it while moving so it took me over a week to recuperate. I am better now but quite grumpy and feeling restless! Also my hair has got so thin with bald spots so finally gave in and bought a wig. I feel funny wearing it but will get used to it. At the moment, I feel like an ugly bald fat sausage. Sorry, just need to vent. I have been on chemo for over 13 months and it looks like it will be an ongoing thing. Just wish I would go into remission. I keep telling myself that it could be a lot worse.


    How often do you have to get the chemo? Will your oncologist give you a break to recover from the side effects, since it had a big impact on the body?


    Brigitte…..happy to hear that you are able to relax following your move. You mentioned not feeling well. What exactly do you mean and is it in addition to experiencing aches?



    Had chemo (Gemzar) on Wednesday and feel like I got run over by a truck! I moved home last Friday and was very tired, over did, hence I think why I feel rough. Also not sleeping well and feeling achy. On the plus side, I am done unpacking so now can relax and rest.

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