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  • #26183

    I had a chemoembolization procedure using doxorubycin, mitomycin-C and cisplatin. Since the procedure I’ve been dealing with night sweats almost every night – but not a fever. One oncologist I spoke to said there is a medicine for night sweats (which I will ask about again the next time I see her).


    As far as I recall, Kerry had been treated for a bacterial infection therefore, I assume that this had been cleared prior to the administration of chemo. We have seen, on this board, shakes or rigors to be quite common. These differ greatly from an ongoing fever as rigors come on suddenly and generally, run its course (a few minutes) and then subside.
    We have also had discussion on what has been called


    My strong suggestion is to get him to the doctor or the hospital!

    In my case, fever and chills were a sign of infection, and that’s obviously bad.

    I ended up in the hospital for a week recovering from sepsis.


    My brother n law has 2 cycles of chemo gencytoben and oxyplation. We worry about his consistent fevers. He had a 7 day course of antibiotics and still has fevers, bed sweating and chills. We worry about his metal stents but he shows no signs of blockage. Any suggestion? Are fevers typical????

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