Fiance Newly Diagnosed

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Fiance Newly Diagnosed

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    Dear Rhodymn, so sorry to hear your man has been dignozed with CC. And what spectacularly bad timing! YOu must both be very upset and very scared, when this should be the time you look forward to the rest of your lives together. So sorry.
    As MU says, hopefully his age and fitness will be a defining factor in all this. I hope his treatment continues to go well, and let’s hope the Mayo Clinic are able to offer you more.
    Much love to you both.


    Hi Rhodymn- I am so sorry to hear that your fiance was diagnosed with this illness. I lost my precious Dad this January 13th to this disease, he was 69. He was also healthy and never really complained- he was diagnosed at Stage 4 and within 10 weeks was gone.

    I believe Jeff’s age and health are factors in his favour. I also know that your love and support will help him tremendously. Jeff G. on this board has been living with this illness for eight years, I believe. So… never lose hope. I believe that as long as a heart beats, there is hope.

    I only found this board after my Dad passed away, but I have been on here since, sharing my anguish, trying to offer support to others… this board has helped me tremendously and I am certain you will find many useful resources here. More importantly, you will find support from individuals who truly understand what it is like to travel this path.

    My thoughts and prayers go out to the both of you that the doctors may be able to help Jeff in the best possible way.

    Bright Blessings,

    Missing U


    Hello! My name is Sonja and my fiance (Jeff) was just diagnosed with CC a few weeks ago. He first found out that the growth on his liver was Cancer on the 17th of August, the same day he proposed to me. Since then life has been a whirlwind of doctors and frightening statistics and dismal attitudes around us. He is 38, doesn’t drink or smoke and was in the best physical shape of his entire life before this. I know cancer doesn’t care about all of that, I just hope it will help him have an edge in this fight.
    His CC was caught in stage 2B, is unresectable at this point, and so we are just doing whatever the doctors tell us.
    Jeff started Gemzar two weeks ago this past Thursday and so far his treatments have been ok. Of course he is fatigued, but for the mostpart has avoided all but one spell of nasea. He has had a weird hiccup reacton following both treatments, which of course are painful, but otherwise he is tolerating things ok.
    I have been hearing that the goal is just to keep this at bay, and that frightens me. The term “buying time” is even more scary. We are just so frightened! I did get on the phone with the Mayo Clinic in Rochester two days ago and have him set up to see them in two weeks. The encouraging thing about this appointment is that they have given me hope and said there were “options”. So, that’s where we are at right now. Sorry for rambling, just still am a little numb at this point and glad to have somewhere to vent!
    I look forward to getting to know everyone better!

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