fighting the fight

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    Dear Ceusita, congratulations on your husbands Whipple, mine had one as well at the age of 73. I know it sounds funny but we get excited here when someone can have surgery! Teddy was never sick and had no metasis either. My daughter’s fiance has Lymphoma and has been in remission for 4 years now, he is 51. Beside his ONC he has been treated by a Natural Patchic doctor who gave him Vitamin C through an IV (Monthly treatmetns). I wish your husband well, it is a lengthy recovery but week by week you will see him getting so much better.
    Please keep us updated on his progress and best wishes to both of you.


    Hi Thanks for all your warm thoughts and wishes. My husband had the Whipple done bye Dr Scudamore at Vancouver General In British Columbia Canada. Although my husband is 71 years old he had No medicals issues at all and was extremely fit. Although we have the Cancer Agency here we opted to go to an oncologist that does private as well as the standard protocol from the Agency. Because there are so few cases here I think that the Cancer agency would have just give him the basic protocol. Dr Klimo gave him Abraxacine and Gemzar. Neither of these drugs were covered by the government or my Blue Cross provider which is for extra things. The Cancer Agency claimed that there were cheaper drugs available and generic ones as well . I have read and researched that the company that made Abraxacine holds the patent till 2013. So I think that the Cancer Agency were just feeding us a line. Having lived in Canada all my life and being told that we have a great medical system I now know that this is just a line. We have spent thousands not that it matters but they should tell patients the truth and at least have more options available to us.
    It was really great to hear that the Pet Scan showed no CC and Dr Klimo has told us that the Lymphoma is unrelated . Because my husband was so sick from infections extra they also have done a liver biopsy which again shows no metastisis infections etc. I think that it was the Lymphoma that was causing all of his problems but because of the CC they were concentrating on that. Thank god for the urgent PET Scan. Went to the surgeon yesterday but didn’t have the pathology back yet. Next week we should know more. Thank you all for your support.


    Ceusita……hello and a warm welcome. Lymphoma has been reported on our site. You may want to take a look at
    and something else with some pertinent information
    All my best wishes,


    Ceusita, it sounds like your husband has had a rough time. You asked about multiple cancer types … I had a cc resection ~ 2.5 years ago, and this May, had a small lung cancer lesion removed in a tricky surgery. What’s ironic is the lung cancer was found because of the many CT scans I’ve had over the past few years. The lung cancer was totally unrelated to the CC, which is a very good thing. Most lymphomas have a better potential outcome than CC, which is the bright side.

    I wish you and your husband well.


    Hi Ceustia,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all and I am sorry also to hear about your husband. But you have come to the best place possible for support and help, and you will get a ton of both from all of us here. Can you please give us some more information if possible about your husbands surgery. And also, where was your husband treated? I know that all of this will have come as such a shock to you, we can all relate to that and know how that feels. Please know that we are all here for you and know what you are going through right now.

    My best wishes to you and your husband,



    Dear Ceusita, welcome to our wonderful family where you will find the most courageous and caring people in the world. I am sorry to hear about your husband and I think one can have more than one type of cancer at the same time. Not sure, but I know others will chime in here. What kind of surgery did your husband have? Where are you located? It is a very tough journey with bumpy roads but attitude and strength do a lot to help both the patient and the Caregiver. I wish you both the very best and please keep us posted.


    I’m sorry to hear that you and your husband are having such a tough time right now, but I ‘m pleased you found this site. You will lots of support here to help you fight this disease. I can ‘t help you with your query but there are some interesting posts here – using the search function at top right hand corner of this site, type ‘Lymphoma’.



    Hi my husband was diagnosed last December with CC. It has been a rough ride so far. He had surgery lots of infections and chemo. The Pet scan showed that the CC was gone but he has a lymphoma now. He had surgery last week and we are awaiting to find out what type of lymphoma he has. Has anyone else had to separate types of cancer at the same time? He was always such a healty man that this truly has been a shock.

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